We make these gingerbread houses every year. Sometimes we make them late in the season (like after-Christmas-late), and sometimes I am so organized I even make an invitation! If you are feeling efficient and organized these days, then scroll down to the bottom for a fun and free printable invitation I made for you.

My daughter begged me to host this at our house for her 8th birthday and I was reluctant. I found your blog and decided to go for it. Preassembling with hot glue gun is key! Also, get more candy than you think, we used most everything and the lifesavers and colorful licorice were very popular. I purchased baking aprons that they colored/decorated prior to house decorating. We had 10 attendees and I capped the party at 2 hours including cake. We used a tarp over the dining room table and did not have any small sprinkles candy. Thank you thank you! Everyone had a wonderful time.

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In 2013, Delaware County outperformed the rest of the state in terms of higher education achievement. The United States Census Bureau found that the percentage of residents age 25 or older with a bachelor's degree in Delaware County was 35 percent, compared to the state of Pennsylvania at 27.5 percent. The median household income in the county was $64,041 compared to the state median income of $52,548. The county had a poverty rate of 10.3 percent while the state of Pennsylvania had a poverty rate of 13.3 percent.[2]

THREE Cover completed cardboard cottage with clear wrap and use masking tape on the back of the cottage to temporarily secure. This protected surface will allow modeling dough pieces to be placed on the house to dry without attaching to the cardboard cottage and will keep the cardboard protected from paint.

FOUR Keep cottage covered with clear wrap. Move into making accents using Crayola Model Magic which is a fantastic product for use, flexibility, and simple drying. Start by rolling coils to imply snow and icicles. These pieces will take on the look of white icing. These snowy details can run along the edges of the roof, cottage, above the door + windows, and atop the chimney. Use modeling dough to also make candies such as gumdrops, mints, candy canes, and other savory + sugary treats. Wreaths, snowballs, and snow piles can also be fun additions. Allow pieces to air dry in place, on top of the clear wrapped house.

Boqueria, Penn Quarter

777 9th St., NW 

Dig into your favorite tapas and unlimited house cocktails from with a prix-fixe menu with bacon-wrapped dates, lamb skewers, garlic shrimp, and cinnamon-sugar churros. There are two seatings, from 6:30 to 9 PM, and from 9:30 to midnight, which will include a Champagne toast when the clock strikes 12. Reservations can be made online and are $135 per person. (The Dupont location is a la carte.)

The lady up the street went to a party on the site of the defunct Red Vic movie house for mayoral candidate John Avalos on Wednesday, the night the Democratic Central Committee endorsed him. The candidate was wearing a turquoise shirt and looked happy, she reports. It was said that 9 percent of the voters in District 5, which includes the Haight and Western Addition, voted for Meg Whitman. Huh? Who's Meg Whitman?

OK, so last week I began a column with some rants about grammar and usage, and whaddyaknow, it was the very same column in which I wrote "telephone poll" for what I meant, "telephone pole." Pat Mapps said I had fallen into the "pot and kettle trap." My own metaphor was much worse: Naked in a glass house. Again.

Okay I guess to tell this story I\u2019m going to have to back up a bit. I popped out of the Secaucus Junction train station where Jack was waiting in his girlfriend\u2019s car to bring us up to Manchester New Hampshire for two shows. We had been off the road for a few months and for us that felt like an eternity stuck back in the real world\u2014 when you get so used to bopping around chasing horizon from one city to another when you get back its like the whole world is standing still. Once the road gets its hook into you proper it ruins everything else by comparison, soon everything you do just becomes another step to get back to being on the road. Every poetry bro from coast to coast either channeled the ghost of Charles Bukowski or wanted to be Jack Kerouac but somewhere somehow over the last year the whole vibes had changed and now we were bringing Motley Crue energy to poetry. The bad boys of poetry we weren\u2019t just coming to your city to read our poems and sell books \u2014 we were coming to party and everyone knew it.

Cags pointed to the entourage that had formed outside of the bar that was looking to party with us. Riley, Martin, a few other girls, the random assortment of quiet dudes pursuing those girls and a rather huge man in a fur coat who kept telling us he was opening up for Katt Williams. We tried to tel them know that there was no afterparty but they weren\u2019t going for it or buying our bullshit. Then we did what desperate men do in a situation\u2014 we fucking bolted. Jack and I running down the alley away with Cags laughing as we slipped down an alley leaving Milo holding court. It was like we were back on Middle Road in Hazlet, New Jersey running away from the cops after egging some rich dude\u2019s house. Half way down the dim-lit alley we heard the cackled howl of Milo as he was now chasing us and BRINGING THE PEOPLE WITH HIM. What was this dude\u2019s problem? He knew better. But the drink was already becoming a marathon by the time the show ended and we were all running to damnation anyhow. Jack and I hid behind a row of garbage cans hoping to lose em.

When we got back to Milo\u2019s spot, the group we had run away from at the beginning of this journey was back partying with his roommates waiting for us. It\u2019s important to note that anyone who hangs around to see us at the end of the night deserves us as authentic as possible so we rambled on coked about about everything and nothing at all. We couldn\u2019t find the floss. And I didn\u2019t want to beat Milo\u2019s ass. He was my brother and accidents happened but I destroyed. Pacing outside and trying to come up with a plan. I was going to go back to New Jersey, get a job, get health insurance and then reappear six months down the road. What else was there to do? I couldn\u2019t be seen like this. I would be judged. I would be unattractive.

Summary judgment may be granted "if the pleadings, depositions, answers to interrogatories, and admissions on file, together with the affidavits, if any, show that there is no genuine issue as to any material fact and that the moving party is entitled to a judgment as a matter of law." FED. R. CIV. P. 56(c). The burden rests on the moving party to demonstrate the absence of a genuine issue of material fact. Celotex Corp. v. Catrett, 477 U.S. 317, 322, 106 S. Ct. 2548, 91 L. Ed. 2d 265 (1986); Ticali v. Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn, 41 F. Supp. 2d 249, 254 (E.D.N.Y. 1999). A genuine factual issue exists if there is sufficient evidence favoring the nonmovant for a reasonable jury to return a verdict in his favor. Anderson v. Liberty Lobby, Inc., 477 U.S. 242, 250, 106 S. Ct. 2505, 91 L. Ed. 2d 202 (1986); Ticali, 41 F. Supp. 2d at 254. In deciding whether summary judgment is appropriate, the court resolves all ambiguities and draws all permissible factual inferences against the movant. See Anderson, 477 U.S. at 255, 106 S. Ct. 2505. Summary judgment is warranted when the nonmovant has no evidentiary support for an essential element on which it bears the burden of proof. Celotex, 477 U.S. at 322-23, 106 S. Ct. 2548; Silver v. City Univ. of N.Y., 947 F.2d 1021, 1022 (2d Cir. 1991).

Plaintiffs allege that the department defendants took actions that unduly intruded on their right to intimate association[15] and maintain that evidence in the record raises a genuine issue of fact as to whether the department defendants' actions were taken in retaliation for plaintiffs' relationship. In support of this claim, plaintiffs point to the following pieces of evidence: 1) McDonald told Denehy in April of 2000 that he had observed plaintiffs' cars parked outside a third party's house and inquired whether Mahoney had left his wife; 2) during Mahoney's October 2000 suspension hearing, Thompson asked Mahoney how long his divorce would take to become final; 3) the department defendants transferred plaintiffs to undesirable posts and removed Mahoney from the Narcotics Entry team without rational explanation, while, at the same time, failing to discipline Denehy for his actions against plaintiffs; 4) the department defendants maintain that plaintiffs were transferred to avoid conflict with Denehy, but failed to curtail Denehy's ability to work overtime; 5) the department defendants cannot offer a persuasive explanation as to why they sought Mahoney's suspension for comments he repeated about Bigger while failing to discipline Baxter for repeating the same comments; and 6) Thompson failed to follow established procedure in notifying plaintiffs that they were deemed "sick leave abusers." (Pls. Mem. Opp. Summ. J. at 19.) Plaintiffs argue that a jury could find that these actions were taken by the department defendants in violation of their First Amendment right to intimate association.

Neither party has cited, and this Court has not uncovered, any controlling authority involving the right of intimate association with respect to the type of relationship in which plaintiffs are involved. We note first that the precise nature of their relationship is difficult to define. When Denehy's conduct of which plaintiffs complain began in March of 2000, both were married and living with their spouses and Mahoney with his children. Mahoney moved out of his marital home in the summer of 2000. While plaintiffs continued to have "an ongoing, exclusive, romantic relationship" during this time, they did not reside together until February of 2001. (Pls. Mem. Opp. Summ. J. at 17.) Bates admittedly did not finalize her divorce until November of 2001. (Bates Dep. at 4.) The nature of plaintiffs' association during the relevant time frame could therefore be defined as a dating relationship, albeit an extra-marital, adulterous[17] one. Plaintiffs' relationship may have been "highly personal," and displayed attributes of "relative smallness, a high degree of selectivity in decisions to begin and maintain the affiliation, and seclusion from others in critical aspects of the relationship." Roberts, 468 U.S. at 620, 104 S. Ct. 3244. However, in the time frame that the complained of events occurred, their association plainly failed to exemplify the considerations that "attend the creation and sustenance of a family." Id.[18] Instead, plaintiffs' relationship was of the sort that serve to break families apartand this is apparently what upset Denehy. (Mahoney Dep. at 39.) It is therefore open to debate whether plaintiffs' relationship enjoys constitutional protection under the right of intimate association. We need not decide that question here, however, because even assuming plaintiffs' relationship was constitutionally protected, the lack of clarity on the issue gives Denehy a solid defense of qualified immunity.[19] e24fc04721

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