Pre-Departure Prep

2020, 2021, AND 2022

Fellow history and social studies education major, Sam Metzgar, and I had been interested in study abroad programs throughout our time at WKU. Three years in a row, we investigated taking part in a summer program in Ireland for geography and geology credits. However, Ireland remained at a Threat Level 4 due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. The Threat Level didn't drop down to a 3 or 2 until the winter of 2022. However, the itenerary for this program shaped Sam and I's plans for our early travel period of the International Student Teaching Program. 


WKU held a meeting to educate students interested in study abroad about scholarship opportunities from WKU and outside sources. Several speakers, including Lindsey Houchin, gave us tips and tricks on how to write the best scholarship essays and which organizations will provide us with the most monetary benefits. We also had a guest speaker discuss her experience student teaching in Ireland. Sam and I knew we were interested in Ireland, so we took notes during her presentation. She gave us a great deal of information about the Irish public transportation system, monetary exchange rates, phone plans, and weather patterns for April. 


This was the cutoff for applying to the World Topper Scholarship through WKU Global. The application consisted of short written answers and essays. I was able to turn in an application for this scholarship opportunity, thanks to the information meeting in September about funding study aboad programs. 


Sam and I attended the WKU Global Pre-Departure Orientation. We were able to meet several other WKU students enrolled in study abroad programs. We sat at a table with nursing majors who were planning on attending a programs in the UK and Italy during their winter semesters. They would be analyzing the differeneces between health care systems in Europe and the USA. We told them about our plans to study education systems in Ireland, Germany, Spain, or Sweden. The orientation meeting also helped us start a list of what items we needed to get before we left, including bags, locks, and walking shoes. We also took note of what paperwork we needed to get in order before leaving the country. 


I had a meeting with Dr. Stephanie Martin and Cindy White regarding my application to the International Student Teaching Program. Our meeting covered my reasons for applying and what my expectations for my time in Europe looked like. Seeing as I have travelled to 12 European countires in the past, I felt very comfortable with travelling abroad. This meeting also gave birth to the idea of taking part in two weeks of early travel due to our bed and breakfast accomodations and spring break. 


I received a notification that I had been awarded $850 from the WKU Global World Topper Scholarship. I have been able to include this scholarship award in my financial planning for the International Student Teaching Program.  


I applied to the CEBS Passport to the World Scholarship, as the information was emailed to us by Dr. Stephanie Martin. She mentioned in our personal meetings that they might have more award money to give out this year because they haven't had students taking part in study abroad programs during the Covid-10 Pandemic. 


All of the students interested in the International Student Teaching Program attended a Pre-Departure  meeting in Gary Ransdell Hall. We were able to tentatively confirm the locations each of us would be visiting. Sam and I were placed in Ireland, which was our top ranked request during the application process. Again, we went over the expectations for taking part in the program and traveling abroad. We also collected the contact information for all of the students with the Ireland placement so we could communicate our plans over the next few months.   


Sam and I physically mailed and emailed our legal documents to Inspire Learning. We had to go into a USPS store to print out and pay for the transportation of our documents. We had to figure out what type of folder to use for shipping and which stamps or labels needed to be paired with it. We wanted to make sure our documents got to Ireland as quick as possible without any hiccups. 


The five student teachers who were interested in the International Student Teaching Program in Ireland joined a Zoom meeting with Cindy, Stephanie, and program leader Louise Gibbons. We learned details about our trip and housing situation. Louise informed us that both she and Bradley, our host, would do their best to provide us with transportation during our trip. They requested we keep in contact with them about our travel plans so they can support us to their best abilities. This information helped solidify our plans for the transition between early travel plans and arriving in Westport, as well as our plans for heading back home. We also learned that Louise would be taking us shopping once we arrived in Westport, so we now plan to pack lighter.  


I was able to join a whatsapp groupchat that included all the other student teachers headed to Ireland, Dr. Stephanie, Mrs. White, and Louise Gibbons. This will be our prime communication device, as international texting and messaging can be pricy or complex.  


My mother and I went to REI to check out their travel bags and lightweight clothing options. We looked at the different sizes of bags and styles. I ended up purchasing a large hiking backback designed for women. It was originally priced at $140, but it was on sale for $99. The bag fits up to 60 liters and has a waterproof material. The bag is called the "REI Co-op Trailbreak 60 Pack - Women's." I also purchased a pair of lightweight, zip-off pants. The lightweight material will make it easier to wash and dry and take up less space in my bag. I bought a pair in a dark gray color, as I wanted to look at other color options online. 


Sam and I met up to complete housing and handbook paperwork for Inspire Learning. We signed several forms acknowledging the rules and expectations for the International Student Teaching Program at the Broadlands Bed and Breakfast. We also purchased our plane tickets to Ireland. We are flying out of Nashville the night of April 2. We will arrive in London, England the morning of April 3. We have a 3.5 hour layover in London to get through customs before taking a short flight over to Belfast. We should arrive in Belfast around 5 pm on April 3. We will fly home on April 29, taking the same route in reverse.


Sam and I met up to complete the WKU Global paperwork for taking part in the International Student Teaching Program. It required us to reference the CDC and State Department's websites regarding travel to Ireland. We also worked on our travel plans and packing lists for early travel.


Sam and I met up in-person and through FaceTime to book our housing locations for our early travel period. We booked a mixture of hostels, hotels, and AirBnbs depending on the options available in each city. We also began looking at public transport between and within cities. I've been planning out my itenerary on the app Wanderlog, as it organizes costs, sleeping locations, flights, and things to do. When you organize your itenerary, it helps identify directions between each place including walking, driving, and public transport. Sam and I have also been finalizing our packing lists, taking advice form blogs and TikToks.


Sam and I were able to purchased the last few items needed for our trip including toiletries and socks. I ordered some money from my bank so we didn't have to do an exchange at the airport. I ordered about £80 and €300 to share between Sam and I. Louise also sent us all our documents for customs, and we printed them out in case we needed to explain our trip to Ireland and  Northern Ireland. Louise let us know what our school placements were this week. Sam and I were both placed at Scoil Muire agus Padraig Secondary School in Swinford, which is about 40 minutes east of Westport. Louise assured us the principal would provide transportation in the mornings. 

The night before our departure, Sam and I packed all our items into smaller packing cubes and airtight ziplock bags. Our goal was to create as much room in our bags as possible. Sam decided to use the small backpack from her larger bag as her carry on. I used an older backpack that I planned to throw away once we arrived. We put airtags in our checked bags to make sure we could track and/or find our bags in the worst case scenario.