Cultural Treasures

Titanic Belfast

Belfast holds great pride in the fact that the city and its people helped build the Titanic  The entire museum focuses on the efforts taken by the every day Belfast resident to manufacture the iconic ocean liner. 

Dublin Castle

This castle serves as a reminder of the history and power of Dublin over the past centuries. It remains politically important to Ireland to this day. For example, Joe Biden spoke at Dublin Castle while touring the country. 

Dublin Famine Memorial

Ireland's commitment to commemorating the Great Famine and Black 47 is admirable and key to understanding the cultural and political tensions between Ireland, Northern Ireland, and Great Britain. 

Fort Elizabeth

Fort Elizabeth served as the origin and center of Cork. It was a functioning defense mechanism, jail, military barrack, and police station. It's ability to be repurposed greatly benefited Cork.

Blarney Castle and Stone

While the grounds were wrapped up in royal and upper class drama, it has always been used to signify power. While the origins of the Blarney Stone are debated, the Irish government always remembers to use it's supposed powers to impress diplomatic visitors. 

The Cliffs of Moher

While the Cliffs of Moher aren't even the tallest rock face in the country, they are a UNESCO site and must-see location for tourists due to the great beauty and view. 

Croagh Patrick

Croagh Patrick is the holiest mountian in Ireland, and climbing to the top supossedly granted blessings from Saint Patrick. There's a festival once a year where locals and visitors all climb to the summit and listen to a service in the church situated at the top.