Please can someone help me on the best way to import an excel 2007 (.xlsx) file into R. I have tried several methods and none seems to work. I have upgraded to 2.13.1, windows XP, xlsx 0.3.0, I don't know why the error keeps coming up. I tried:

 By computing the LOD and LOQ for your standard curve using this quick and simple method, you can rely on your data. Try this method to validate your analytical technique and let us know in the comments if you have excelled with Excel.

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Im trying to use "problem solver" in excel to fit an equation to experimental data (real time PCR results (some molecular biology stuff)). I have 96 curves that I need to fit, each curve is on a separate sheet. I can do the task by using the problem solver on each sheet, but I would prefer excel to automatically (or after I press a button) to do all the curve fitting on all 96 sheets at once.

You may be starting with too much template for such a highly expressed gene. A dilution series (standard curve) with your Gapdh primers will tell you if/how much you need to dilute your starting DNA when measuring Gapdh. Do you know approximately how much cDNA you're starting with? Eg. I start with 0.5-1 ug of RNA, make 50 uL cDNA, then use 0.4 uL cDNA in each 20 uL qPCR reaction. This works well for both high and low expressing genes. In regards to how to set up your plates, if for example you have 3 biological replicates (6 samples altogether: 3 normal and 3 stressed), and wanted 3 technical replicates for each sample, I would set it up like this:



If you only have one biological replicate for now that's fine you can do the other ones later. The only thing you have to repeat every time is the no template control ("blanks").


We use an Excel spreadsheet from Biorad for our ct/expression analysis, though there are probably better/easier ways to do this. It's not the greatest (eg. your data has to be layed out perfectly before importing it) but we've been using it for years and once you get the hang of it, it's easy. You just need to input the ct values so you can take data generated at any time from any machine. Most qPCR machines should be able to output an excel sheet or txt file with the ct values (we use a Opticon Monitor from Biorad, also an old program). It basically automates your calculations, including normalizing to a housekeeping gene and calculating fold change. If you leave efficiencies at 100% you're using the ddct method, if you calculate efficiencies using a standard curve and give that data to the spreadsheet you're using the Pfaffl method (information on the two methods, at the bottom of this page).


Here's the spreadsheet:


and here's some instructions:


This spreadsheet shows on the left how I would organize my data before importing it into the spreadsheet from Biorad, and on the right where each value would end up once imported:



Everything in the first three columns in red would be copied then imported in to the Biorad spreadsheet. Note how each is labelled and how the coordinates are organized.

Excel Scientific AeraSeal SealMate kits are excellent for fast and efficient microplate sealing. Features a reusable dispenser and includes 2 rolls of film. Application: Cell, tissue and bacterial cultures

Excel Scientific Adhesive Roll-Seal films excel in use with high-throughput automated microplate sealers. The film provides reliable sealing with minimal user intervention. Application: PCR, long term storage, light sensitive assays and robotics

Excel Scientific Adhesive Roll-Seal films excel in use with high-throughput automated microplate sealers. The film provides reliable sealing with minimal user intervention. Application: Cell, tissue and bacterial culture

Hi Dr.Bradburn,

first of all thank you so much for your excellent website. actually, I think the slope formula which has been shown in grey is wrong. the right one is it:

=slope(average Ct value range, Log starting quantity range).

best wishes.

The --obfuscate flag provides some basic obfuscation for our XLM macro. First, we automatically move the XLM macros some random amount to the right in our Excel document. This means that instead of an analyst opening up our macro sheet and immediately viewing the macros, they would have to scroll at least 100 columns to the right. Second, all excel functions (including strings like VirtualAlloc) are converted into the same =CHAR() format as the shellcode. So if you run a function like "strings" against the file, you will not see VirtualAlloc. Also, a less sophisticated defender might skip over the bunch of =CHAR() text, thinking it's benign. 2351a5e196

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