RTFDR-21: Full Paper preparation guidelines

    1. Springer proceedings should contain original research that has neither been published nor submitted for publication elsewhere.

    2. Full paper length: The length of the paper range should be 7-12 Pages.

    3. The Turnitin similarity index should be less than 15 %.

    4. Figures are usually printed in black and white, unless special arrangement has been made for colored figures. Colored figures remain in color in the online version. Please make sure that any colored figures are equally comprehensible in black and white. Figures and Tables should be cross referred in the text.

    5. While submitting their paper, the authors should allot a corresponding author, who must be available to carry out a proof check of the paper.

    6. All the papers will be peer-reviewed.

    7. The paper MUST be prepared in the given template (provided in both word and LaTex format).

    8. All source files (LaTeX files with all the associated style files, special fonts and eps files, or Word or rtf files) and the final pdfs of all of the papers.

    9. Full paper along with supporting documents should be sent to rtfdr21@gmail.com with subject line: RTFDR21, Full paper-‘Title’, corresponding author name.

    10. The last date of submission of full length paper is 15 May 2021.

    11. Final Right of publication of paper is with SPRINGER.

