We are pleased to announce the 23 international PhD students and postdocs who have been accepted to this year's Pioneers Workshop.
- Patrícia Alves-Oliveira (Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal) - "Social Robots for Creativity Stimulation in Children"
- Somil Bansal (University of California Berkeley, USA) - "Safe, Learning-Enabled Decision-Making for Autonomous Navigation in Unknown Environments"
- Kim Baraka (Carnegie Mellon University, USA) - "Enabling Role-Reversible Human-Robot Interaction by Leveraging Standardized Provider-Receiver Tools"
- Daniel K Bruder (University of Michigan, USA) - "Leveraging Data and the Koopman Operator to Build Control-Oriented Models of Soft Robots"
- Darren Chan (University of California San Diego, USA) - "Unsupervised Salient Object Discovery for Robots"
- Khen Elimelech (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel) - "Efficient Belief Space Planning using Sparse Approximations"
- Kathleen Fitzsimons (Northwestern University, USA) - "Information-Based Control of Human-Robot Motion"
- David Fridovich-Keil (University of California Berkeley, USA) - "Toward Robust Autonomy in Uncertain Safety-Critical Systems"
- Sandy Huang (University of California Berkeley, USA) - "Optimizing for Robot Transparency"
- S. Hamidreza Kasaei (University of Groningen, Netherlands) - "Object Perception and Grasping in Open-Ended Domains"
- Shreyas Kousik (University of Michigan, USA) - "Provably Correct Operation of Autonomous Robots"
- Kaja Kowalczewska (Jagiellonian University of Krakow, Poland) - "Dehumanization of Warfare – Coding Law of Armed Conflicts"
- Yu-Chi Lin (University of Michigan, USA) - "Humanoid Contact Planning for Multi-Contact Motion using Centroidal Dynamics Prediction"
- Chaitanya Mitash (Rutgers University, USA) - "Scene-level Pose Estimation for Multiple Instances of Densely Packed Objects"
- Christian Pek (Technical University of Munich, Germany) - "Ensuring Motion Safety of Autonomous Vehicles through Online Fail-safe Verification"
- Valentin Peretroukhin (University of Toronto, Canada) - "Improving Robot Localization through Deep Probabilistic Learning"
- Noha Radwan (University of Freiburg, Germany) - "Multitask Learning for Reliable State Estimation"
- Suresh Ramasamy (Oregon State University, USA) - "Geometry of Locomotion"
- David M Rosen (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA) - "Towards Provably Robust Machine Perception"
- Stefan Schubert (Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany) - "A Neurologically Inspired Sequence Processing Model for Mobile Robot Navigation"
- Sarah M Sebo (Yale University, USA) - "Enhancing Social Collaboration in Human-Robot Teams"
- Yoonchang Sung (Virginia Tech, USA) - "Multi-Robot Coordination for Hazardous Environmental Monitoring"
- Zi Wang (MIT, USA) - "Human Intelligence Assisted Robot Learning"