

Applications were due on March 5th, 2019 (23:59 Pacific Time). Applications are no longer being accepted.

Submission website:

Required Submissions

1. Research Statement

A research statement (Max 2 pages, not including references) is a high-level description of the research problem that the applicant is addressing in his/her current and future studies. There is no need to include an abstract section given the page limit. The research statement should include:

  • the motivation of the research question in the applicant's studies,
  • a clear problem statement,
  • a short review about other researchers' work on the research question,
  • a description of approaches contributed by the applicant, their novelty and potential advantages over existing ones.

You can find many good resources for writing a research statement online (such as this).

The research statement should be anonymized according to RSS standards and those that are not anonymized will not be reviewed. (Other application materials do not need to be anonymized because they will not go out for peer review.)

The main content of the research statement should be no longer than 2 pages. Anything on the third page or beyond must be only references. Submissions should be in PDF format and use the RSS LaTeX or Word templates.

2. Statement of Motivation

A statement of motivation should answer the following question: "why do you want to participate in this workshop, and what do you hope to gain from it?"

Statements of motivation should be no longer than 250 words. These can be submitted as PDF or .txt files as "supplementary documents" in the submission system.

3. Curriculum Vitae

CV should be submitted as PDF files as "supplementary documents."

4. Peer Review

The applicant is also required to submit 3 peer reviews of other submitted research statements. The research statements for review will be assigned to applicants after the submission deadline.

Submission Instructions

  1. Log into the submission system: (you will need to create a CMT account if you do not have one)
  2. Complete the conflict domain process by clicking the link that appears when you log in
  3. On the Author Console page, click "Create New Submission"
  4. Follow the directions on the page to upload your research statement and select its themes
  5. After the research statement is submitted, go back to the Author Console page and click "Upload Supplementary Material" in the table row that corresponds to your submission
  6. Upload the Statement of Motivation and CV for your submission

You can edit the submission (including supplementary materials) up to the submission deadline.

Review Process

Research statements will be evaluated by both the program committee and peers who have submitted to the program. It is expected that the peer review process can provides applicants with valuable experience reviewing scientific research, an opportunity to learn about their peers' on-going work on relevant topics and more diversified feedback that they can receive about their own work.

Instructions for Peer Review

High quality reviews are used to help program committee make informed decisions and are also critical for the authors to figure out what works well and what needs improvement.

A review for RSS Pioneers should include the following:

  • A brief summary of the research contribution and its impact
  • Strengths
  • Weaknesses
  • Overall recommendation

Please remember that you are reviewing submissions from young researchers like you, so do write reviews in a constructive and scholarly tone. The review guidelines that are developed for RSS 2017 can be a useful read before you commence the reviewing work.