Free Online Textbooks

U.S. - Free Online Textbooks (U.S. History, U.S. Government and Ancient Civilizations)
Michigan Open Book Project

Native Americans

Britannica - Native Americans and colonization: the 16th and 17th centuries,plants%20as%20possible%20medicinal%20resources.
Ducksters - Native American Tribes and Cultures
InfoPlease - American Indian Tribes
Khan Academy - Environmental and Health Effects of European Contact with the New World,plants%20as%20possible%20medicinal%20resources.
National Geographic - Native Americans in Colonial America

Colonial Life

Britannica - American Colonies
Ducksters - Colonial America
Everyday Life in Colonial America - The 13 Colonies
Slavery in the Colonies - The British Position on Slavery in the Era of Revolution

Declaration of Independence:

50 Facts about the Declaration of Independence - The Continental Congress - text and video
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy - American Enlightenment Thought - Declaration of Independence - text and video
Quizlet - Enlightenment Ideas in the Declaration of Independence
What are Three Enlightenment Ideas Used in the Declaration of Independence?

The American Revolution

Britannica - American Revolution
Ducksters - History: American Revolution to the bottom for links to more info. - Revolutionary War
US - Timeline of the American Revolution

Constitution, Constitutional Convention & Bill of Rights

Britannica - Constitutional Convention
Britannica - List of Amendments to the American Constitution
Khan Academy - The Bill of Rights
Khan Academy - Constitutional Convention
Khan Academy - Federalist Papers
The White House - The Constitution

Constitution - How it Addressed Slavery in Its Early Days – The Three-Fifths Clause of the United States Constitution
The Constitution for Kids – The United States Constitution – Is the Constitution Pro-Slavery or Anti-Slavery?
What Does the Constitution Say About Slavery?


Slavery in America - History.com
Slavery in America - History.net
Slavery in the Colonies - The British Position on Slavery in the Era of Revolution
Slavery in the United States - Encyclopedia Britannica

Civil War

Britannica - American Civil War - Civil War
HIstoryNet - American Civil War

Abolition of Slavery

13 Amendment to the Unites States Constitution: Abolition of Slavery - U.S. National Archives
The Abolition Movement - History.net
American Anti-Slavery and Civil Rights Timeline
Chronology - Who Banned Slavery When? - Reuters