Public Goods

Twitter thread on how to create a single compilable .tex file for Elsevier:

Implemented successfully with texlive 2022 and 2023 on Cygwin, requires tex utilities latexpand and latexmk (from texlive-collection-binextra)

Twitter thread on how to create separate PDFs for a paper, the appendices, and supplementary materials with working cross-references across PDFs, as well as an all-in-one PDF combining all the above: 

Bash script and tex-files here: compileThree.7z 

These files will not compile "out-of-the-box," they're just intended to get you started.

Implemented successfully with texlive 2022 and 2023 on Cygwin, requires tex utility latexmk (from texlive-collection-binextra)

Twitter thread on using a bash script, docto / LibreOffice and pdftk to create a single PDF from multiple source files (e.g., Word, LaTeX and existing PDFs):

Two examples of bash scripts (tested in WSL), one using docto and one using LibreOffice: pdfScript.7z 

See twitter thread for comments, caveats, etc.

Uses docto 1.8, pdftk server 2.02, latest Office 365 desktop, WSL 2, Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS, Libreoffice 7.3, texlive 2023, latexmk from texlive-collection-binextra

Wiki page on using NCSU High-Powered Computing Cluster (HPC):