Sign Up to rent a garden plot

2024 Membership Information and Rules

Dear 2024 Prospective Garden Members,

Welcome (or, welcome back)! Would you like to rent a plot at the Roselle Park Community Garden? We will be awarding 30 4-foot by 8-foot garden beds (via lottery if needed) on Sunday, April 28th. Please sign up no later than Saturday April 27, 2024. Only one application per household, please. If you and another resident would prefer to split a bed, that option is available in the application.

In order to ensure the best experience of the garden, we ask that you respect these guidelines:

1. Please provide the requested contact information - communications will be sent via e-mail or text. Please add contacts for all people who will maintain the bed (or, for example, an organizational mailbox).

2. Garden plots are yours to grow, harvest and enjoy your own produce. Please practice mindfulness and do not take produce from any other bed without permission.

3. The garden shed and its contents (tools, watering cans, etc.) is locked except on specified workdays, which will be communicated to members and volunteers. Community garden tools will not be available when the shed is locked.

4. Each gardener is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of their garden bed, and you are expected to do so. Under-maintained beds obstruct pathways and provide a habitat for pests. If you do not maintain your bed, we will trim/maintain for you.

5. Children are welcome in the garden but must be accompanied by an adult and must be supervised at all times. Pets should be leashed and properly supervised to prevent any damage to/contamination of the beds.

6. Each gardener must complete a Release of all Claims form. It is your responsibility to notify the Commission at ( if you are unable to care for your plot for any reason (vacation, work, illness etc.).

7. This is an organic garden. The application of herbicides (weed killers), fungicides, Miracle-Gro or any other non-organic chemicals are prohibited.

8. Large vining plants like cucumbers, squash, melons, and pumpkins should be grown vertically on a north facing trellis. It is the gardener’s responsibility to build or provide your own trellis. Please consult with the Commission if necessary on trellis design/construction.

9. Gardeners are responsible for clearing their plot in the fall as they found it in the spring. If you do not care for your plot as described above, you will not be eligible for future rentals.

10. Gardeners are expected to avoid damage to the irrigation lines with tools at all costs, and to notify the Commission of any damage from tools or pests as soon as recognized. 

This garden is meant to be a place of fun, education and relaxation for the community, and keeping it well-maintained is a group effort. We ask that if you "see something, say something!" Message our Facebook page or email us at so we can address any issues as soon as possible. We hope to see you soon!