Garden Updates

133 Valley Rd, Roselle Park, NJ 07204

Garden Rules for Renters


All, as I mentioned in my e-mail we do have some rules for garden renters to ensure the best experience for all. See below. The biggies are 1) pick only from your bed, 2) keep it organic, and 3) don't damage the irrigation lines. Thanks! 

1. Please make sure we have your current contact information - all communications will happen via e-mail and text. If you are awarded a garden plot via lottery, and you would like to share the space with another household/as part of an organization (e.g. scouts) please add all names to the list.

2. Garden plots are yours to grow, harvest and enjoy your own produce. Please be mindful of others and do not take vegetables from others' garden plots or the community beds without permission! 

3. We aim to minimize spread of germs/viruses. Masks are not required, but we respect the wishes of anyone who wants to wear protection for their own safety and/or the safety of others. Similarly, please wear gloves / use sanitizer / wash your hands if you use garden tools, handle produce from the community beds, etc.   

4. The garden shed and its contents (tools) will be locked except on specified workdays, which will be communicated to members and volunteers. Community garden tools will not be available when the shed is locked.

5. We will communicate necessary maintenance tasks to garden members and volunteers electronically, via email and text. 

6. Each gardener is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of their garden bed. Keep pathways around your garden beds free of weeds, and respect your fellow gardener’s plots and produce. If you do not maintain your bed, we will trim/maintain to prevent spread into common areas.

7. Children are welcome in the garden but must be accompanied by an adult and must be supervised at all times. Pets are also welcome, but need to be leashed and properly supervised to prevent any damage to the beds.

8. Each gardener must complete a Release of all Claims form before any work in the garden can begin. We recommend you visit and maintain your garden plot at least once per week. It is your responsibility to notify the coordinator at ( if you are unable to care for your plot for any reason (vacation, work, illness etc.).

9. This is an organic garden. The application of herbicides (weed killers), fungicides or any other non-organic chemicals is prohibited within the garden, including within your plot.

10. Large vining plants like cucumbers, squash, melons, and pumpkins should be grown vertically on a north facing trellis. It is the gardener’s responsibility to build or provide your own trellis. Trellis designs must first be approved to ensure irrigation lines remain intact.

11. At the end of the growing season, gardeners are responsible for clearing their plot of all plant material and leaving the plot as they found it in the spring. This has been an ongoing problem at the garden, therefore - if you do not clean out your plot at the end of the 2023 growing season, you will not be allowed to participate in the 2024 lottery.

12. Gardeners are expected to avoid damage to the irrigation lines at all costs. The irrigation system allows our community garden to be efficient with water usage and makes your plots very low-maintenance. We will not repair lines during the growing season, so you will not have functional irrigation and will need to water your own plot if you damage a line

Volunteers needed! (this is an evergreen post)


We are always grateful for volunteers who are willing to take any time out of their busy schedules to help us prepare and maintain our (your!) community garden! 

We have a number of garden prep activities to complete for our grand opening, including:

On Saturday April 15th, during the Borough-Wide Cleanup, we'd like as many volunteers as possible to help us with the tasks above. For that day we'd love for anyone with carpentry skills and equipment (particularly power drills) to join us. To sign up for text alerts on volunteering, please text "@rpgarden" to the number 81010. Thank you!