
My mathematical name is Raquel Perales and I got a PhD in Mathematics from Stony Brook University in 2015.  I was an Investigadora por México at the Institute of Mathematics at Oaxaca of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (IMATE-UNAM  or IMUNAM) and  recently moved to CIMAT.  

I am interested in Geometric Analysis and Riemannian Geometry. In particular, RCD(K,N) spaces, Ricci, integral Ricci and scalar curvature lower bounds, Geometric Flows, Yamabe-type problems, and General Relativity.  

For a complete list of my papers:  Arxiv 

You can also find me at: ResearchGateGoogle Scholar  and MathSciNet.

Folleto del proyecto "Un enfoque global sobre la brecha de género en matemáticas, informática y ciencias naturales"