HTMP 2 SY2022-2023

Dusit Thani Reaction Assignment.


What did you learn?

What I've learned about Dusit Thani was the more intricate parts that were presented in a short, yet sweet explanation. The tour between the hotel's hallways and rooms were not only eye-opening it gave more of a respect, at least to me, of the dedication it must take for multiple staff-members to make sure the hotel is both functional and maintained. The more important part of this fieldtrip that all of us took was the operations in between and the information jotted down onto our notepads and or notebooks.

What were the surprises?

The Spa inside of Dusit was the more surprising one to me, it had Himalayan pink-salted walls, mounds of decorations and a bowl that not only looks mesmerizing, but it can sing as well.

What is your reaction overall evaluation on Dusit Thani Guam Resort?

When we went to the  three core restaurants in Dusit, which was Aqua, Alfredo and Soi. I personally was more fascinated with Soi as not only was did the name give a hint for what your in for, i.e Soi means street in Thai, the overall vibe and atmosphere felt so comforting and in my opinion it gave me a homely feel compared to the other restaurants in Dusit. The more notable thing that stood out was the sheer size of inside Dusit's main lobby, the atmosphere gave me a feeling that "Wow, I spent my money well on this" and the decorations that came with it enamored me. Wrapping it up now, I thoroughly enjoyed my experience in Dusit Thani, and I can say without a shadow of a doubt that Dusit Thani already rivals the welcoming feeling that Hyatt had given me.

Housekeeping Bed Making


During our time in late January we managed to make a bed in class. I am already familiar with the method and have done it on multiple occasions during my time with the housekeeping department. Surprisingly however, I have never seen the 3-sheet method done before, after the brief history lesson Mr. Chong had given to us, it's now more understandable why the 3-sheet method is not used anymore. More than anything though, the complexity and steps behind the 3-sheet method also seemed to be cohesive enough to be simple as it is.

Bed making is one of if not the most simple action you can do when you first wake up in the morning. As it should be, but perhaps the reason why it is hard is simply due to the fact that most people figure out that "What's the point in making the bed if it's going to be messy once again?" For starters when it first came to bed making it's only easy if it's your own bed at first, but when it comes to hotels with duvets and multiple sheets to work with, you start to give credit to the room attendants who always work through those rooms. I now have more respect for room attendants than before as I have made several beds during my first 90 hours and understand the fatigue that comes with it.

Reaction to Metaverse Marketing, Tourism and Application


The article done the Refvine website lists down the many reasons why using augmented reality is not only  a good way to show the consumers the options available without having to waste many materials doing so. It also open new options to products such as interactive hotel experiences additional information on such places and reviews by other consumers. This allows for a more personalized experience rather than just the same filtered-out 'recommended tour.'

Hotels, such as Pullman Brisbane King George Square Hotel, already uses augmented reality to create a digital tour to showcase one of the few locations that the hotel has to offer.

One of the main reasons why the Metaverse will play a key role in the new age of tourism as it doesn't replace it at all, it shows the consumer incentives to travel and allows the said consumer to first partake with a small sample of their desired location before they set course to it. I personally am excited to see the new innovations that come out of this, not only does it offer a new way of selective traveling, it allows us, the consumers, to control our exploration into something more personalized.


Reaction to Ms. Oliveros's Presentation


The presentation done by Ms. Oliveros was done before in our Sophomore year, it helped retouch and subjects regarding the our future in education and ways we can also take advantage of those said programs. The DEAL (Dual Enrollment Accelerated Learning) Program gives the attendee(s) both high school credits and college credits in English and math courses. It reduces the amount of classes you take in college and those said credits will go to your college graduation.

The presentation also touched with previous discussions on Certificate of Mastery and Certificate of Completion, the main difference being is how many work hours are put into it and the overall grade. My memory was able to refresh what Ms. Oliveros had presented during our last time meeting and I for one might enroll in the DEAL Program over the summer. Preparing for your future through education surely isn't easy, but through the presentation I was able to obtain a better insight on how to prepare for my future and the opportunities that are available.