This place houses all book projects that I have finished, and will also house books that are very near completion and publishing.

Trapjaw the Terrible


Not long ago, in a world of (sometimes) colorful talking animals, an empire of seafaring thieves reigned over an entire ocean. These thieves built a powerful robot to destroy their enemies, only to be destroyed by their own creation. The bot was supposedly lost, crushed under the remains of the thieves’ old base.

Then a group of crocodile pirates—led by a giant croc named Trapjaw—uncovered it.

Once it is discovered that the pirates plan on reviving the ruined robot, the heroes who originally stopped the thief empire are called on to help again, but will it be enough to stop Trapjaw and his pirates? 




I wrote Trapjaw the Terrible when I was sixteen years old, and under a two month time constraint. The art and story will reflect this, however, I have since corrected grammatical/spelling errors and improved the interior formatting.

Tulip and Bullhorn


The raw, (mostly) unedited tale of an elementary/middle schooler, formatted into a proper book for sentimental keepsake purposes. Within you will find the wild, nonsensical tale of a winged dog named Tulip and her friend, a blind sparrow named Bullhorn on their quest to stop a forever-hungry smoke monster, and maybe an evil pinata head. Along the way, they're aided by a cast of kooky characters ranging from blobs of slime to severed arms to baby dragons.

Will the smoke monster be stopped? How many times will there be whole chapters of needless backstory and exposition? What is Tulip's unnecessarily edgy backstory?! Read to find out!




I started writing Tulip and Bullhorn at ~10 years old, and "finished" it at around 12 - 14 years old. It was never properly finished, as I lost the hard copy for editing and original files for a while, and this caused me to lose interest in writing or rewriting it. The hard copy is still lost, sadly. The book cover is a piece of art I originally drew in ~2018.