
I am Gwen J. Clarke, and I'm an artist! While I can draw people, my favorite things to draw are creatures and monsters.


The main purpose of this site is to advertise my commissions. I will also format books (only physical versions at the moment, unfortunately). Speaking of which, if you're interested in buying one of my books, stop by the My Books tab!

Look below to see my prices and conditions. If you're interested, contact me through email (  or through Discord (fruitycasket)

Art Commissions

I will draw gore but not NSFW. I may also turn down a request for other reasons, including simply not wanting to or being uncomfortable with the subject matter, as is my right.

If I accept your commission, I will send you a rough sketch, or rough sketches if you would like multiple options, or are not happy with my first attempt. After you have selected a sketch you like, you cannot get a refund, so ensure you're happy with it! Then, you can pay me through my PayPal.

Formatting Commissions

$15 Formatting Job

$15 - $20 Formatting Job

First, send me a request. If I accept, you have to pay me first, then I will format your book. (Because I format in Word, there is  a chance a request will be rejected because it would be too difficult/not possible with the software I use.)

Send me your manuscript as one whole document, as well as any images you would like me to include. It helps a lot if you already know what font(s) you want your book set in, how you would like the chapters to look, and have the areas you want images inserted marked in an easily visible way. Any reference images will also help a lot!

When I'm done, I'll send you a PDF of the finished document. I do my best to check for mistakes, but if you find one, or you received your proof copy and realize you need to fix some things, let me know I will correct it for you free of charge.

Formatting prices start at $15 and will increase based on what is requested of me. A simple book with only text and page numbers will be $15 and the price will increase the more complicated the ask, with prices generally ranging from $15 - $50. ($50 is reserved for more difficult formatting jobs, things like cookbooks or picture books.) I base prices off how long it will take me to format the book, check for formatting errors, insert images, etc..