What if distribution shift is random?

If distribution shift is random, we should

Random distribution shift can lead to overlap violations and Y|X shift, so if you observe overlap violations or Y|X shift in real-world data, there's a chance that it's "just random", which would be less threatening than worst-case shifts.

Stay tuned!

Dominik Rothenhäusler

Assistant Professor of Statistics, Stanford University

David Huntington Faculty Scholar

Chamber Fellow

Hi, I'm Dominik.

My research centers around distribution shift, causal inference, and replicability. I  completed my Ph.D. studies under the supervision of Nicolai Meinshausen and Peter Bühlmann at ETH Zürich in Summer 2018. Prior to joining the Stanford faculty, I completed a postdoc with Bin Yu at UC Berkeley.

I gratefully acknowledge support from the Dieter Schwarz Foundation, the Chamber Foundation, and the David Huntington Fellowship.


Recent and forthcoming talks


Email: rdominik {at} stanford.edu