Business and Editing


I am the business manager. I write all of the invoices, send out newspapers, and keep track of all of the financial side of the Charger. I just learned this at the end of last year, and it has not been easy. I learned how to write invoices recently and the people skills of asking businesses to buy an ad. It has been such a rollercoaster, but to learn skills that will be very useful in my life when I am on my own. It also helps me to become a better person with my time management skills. At the beginning of the month, I have a checklist of what I need to do. This includes: weighing papers, making ad pages, sending bills, and other things of this type. At the end of the month we send papers to our subscriptions, and this is my job to make sure it is done properly and efficiently. The newspapers must be folded, tabbed, stamped, and addressed. After that, they are taken to the post office with a check that is written from our checking account. This has taught me how a business works, and how to keep track of money with spending costs.


Editing is a skill I have learned over the past three years. To find the grammar mistakes in others work is something I was taught by older staff members. At the end of the month, we print every page and edit it until it is as close to perfect as it can be. It is hard to accept others criticism ,but I have grown appreciative of the transparency of our staff. I am not afraid to ask someone to change something in their article since they do the same for me. It has helped me grow as a writer to get peer feedback on what they believe should be fixed. I am features editor, so every month, when articles are done, I give feedback; fix wording of sentences and grammar. Being an editor also means I check in on every member of my section on their progress and attend interviews with them if they would like me to. I dedicate my time to helping them learn the skills I was taught my first year on staff.