Human Observation Report

Partial Interval Coding- whether the behavior occurred at all or didn't occur during the interval.

The behavior I studied in the Denaple's Center, around 9 am-10 am, was whether an individual twirled or touched their hair during twelve 5-minute intervals. I chose partial interval coding because it was easier to pay attention to and record compared to the whole interval coding. I marked YES when the behavior of hair twirling or touching occurred and NO when the behavior did not occur.

9:00-9:05 = NO       9:05-9:10=YES            9:10-9:15= YES

9:15-9:20=NO          9:20-9:25= YES          9:25-9:30= NO

9:30-9:35= YES        9:35-9:40= YES          9:40-9:45= NO

9:45-9:50= NO          9:50-9:55= YES        9:55-10:00= YES

TOTAL  YES: 7 (58.3%)

TOTAL NO: 5 (41.7%)

Overall the individual I studied only touched their hair about 58.3% during one hour. I think that if I did shorter intervals or the whole interval coding my data could have been better by offering more data.