
I was raised in the Midwest in a church-going family, and began writing stories in my teens. I had no idea of ever being a published author. I loved to read though...  James Mitchner and Helen Dore Boylston were favorite authors. Boylston wrote the Sue Barton nurse series, and I read all of them. Mitchner's books are one rowdy adventure after another. I like action in my stories.

I didn't get what it means to be a Christian until I was in my thirties. That's when I read the Gospel according to John and began attending church with my husband. Since then life has been full of love and adventure. I began leading children's Sunday School groups and helped with Vacation Bible School, and I continue to lead adult Bible studies.

While in a Disciple Bible study I completed a writing assignment that brought appreciation from others. After that, I was invited to join a Writers Group. There's nothing like going through "opened doors" to have an adventure and find out what you can do. Working at that time as a speech-language pathologist, I wrote my first two novels featuring Maren, a protagonist who is part of my professional group.

 I authored professional articles and helped write state legislation benefiting speech-language pathologists and their clients while I lived in Illinois. When retirement called, a part time "job" awaited. I helped start an adult Christian Education program in our new church and joined a jail ministry. Romans 12:2

Six years later it was time to downsize from our spacious, prairie home to something more manageable. My husband and I moved from the Illinois Prairie to the Wyoming Prairie, and I joined the jail ministry in our county. I began writing Women at the Well while we were adapting to our new environment. Although I rely on experiences I have had as a volunteer in two jails for inspiration, please be advised that a lot of imagination was used in writing Women at the Well.

     I hope you enjoy the adventures!

Companions on our Wyoming "backyard" are gentle antelope and large-eared jackrabbits who jump as if on a Pogo stick and run like a dog.