About Me

Hi, friends!

I'm Rosa Sangga Pratiwi, a six-semester student majoring in English Language Education at the Faculty of Education and Teachers Training, Tidar University. I was born on September 20th, 2000. I live with my parents in Muntilan, Magelang.

My Story

I am the only child in my precious little family. I live with my parents and my grandfather. Since I was a child, I dreamed of becoming a teacher, and I've been trying to make it happen. Since entering middle school, I have loved English lessons and have always learned to master them independently. Until one day, I thought of becoming an English teacher. Therefore, I majored in English Education at Tidar University to make it happen. During college, up to semester 6, I have learned many things about how to be a good teacher. I have also been trying to be an English tutor since semester 3.

Now I see that my dream of becoming a teacher is close since I became part of the Teaching Internship at Pangasinan State University. Through this program, I learned many things and gained invaluable experience. My teaching experience at Pangasinan State University is an unforgettable experience that I will remember forever.