
Here are the documentations of the teaching practice at Pangasinan State University.


On March 18, 2022, my friends and I from Tidar University received an orientation on the teaching practice with Pangasinan State University. We introduced ourselves one by one and they greeted us warmly. This is where we are first given instructions on how the activities will take place in the future.

Meeting with Cooperating Teacher

On the same day as the orientation, we also had a meeting with our cooperating teacher and fellow students from Pangasinan State University. Here we get introduced to my cooperating tutor and my foreign friends. Here we are told a little about the activities we will do during our teaching internship.

Meeting with LIS Faculty and Officials

On March 21, 2022, we held a meeting with the LIS faculty and officials. We introduce ourselves to the staff of Pangasinan State University. At this meeting, we were told about the detailed schedule of our future activities while being teaching interns.

Observation of the English Class

On Tuesday, March 22, 2022, I made observations in English class 4. At that time, I observed how the teacher taught the class and interacted with the students. From here, I learned how elementary 4th graders are active during class. On Wednesday, March 23, 2022. I made observations in grade 6 where this class has students who are very active during the learning process. I learned how to keep students active during class. On Thursday, March 24, 2022. I observed grade 5 where the students in this class are a little more passive than in other classes. This is a challenge for teachers who teach as well as motivate students to be active.

Discussion on the Lesson Plan

On March 25, 2022, students from Tidar University, together with Ma'am Hazel and PSU students, had a discussion about lesson plans. We get directions on how to make a correct lesson plan according to the rules that apply at Pangasinan State University. We are also given tips on how to teach students so that they can be active with various activities during learning.

Preparation for the First Teaching Practice

On April 11, 2022, Teacher Marisol and I had a meeting as a preparation for the first teaching practice. We discussed the division of the lesson plan and the parts that needed to be revised. At that time, we also did teaching exercises and discussed the right things to do. The second meeting was held on April 14, 2022. We carried out the exercise as previously discussed. This practice is better than before.

Teaching Interns Mid-Conference

On April 18, 2022, we had a meeting with all staff and students of Pangasinan State University, namely the Teaching Intern Mid Conference. The purpose of this event is to find out and solve the problems experienced by teaching interns. We are given the opportunity to ask questions, convey the problems we face, and provide feedback.

First Teaching: Adverbs of Intensity

On Wednesday, April 20, 2022, it was my first time teaching Grade 6. I was nervous because this was my first class as a teacher. Together with Teacher Marisol, we made it through the first teaching class. During teaching, sixth graders are very active, starting by reading texts, answering questions, and doing activities. The sixth graders seemed enthusiastic considering how many students were active during the class, and it made me very happy to know this was my first time teaching.

In this class, I made an activity where students have to show their finger heart if their answer is “yes” and show a peace sign if their answer is “no”. The students look enthusiastic about this activity. Learning activities are carried out through Google Meet with PowerPoint Presentation learning media. The class went smoothly without any problems. At the end of the class, we get observations from Ma'am Hazel regarding learning during class. Observations from her provide motivation to be even better.

On April 23 and April 25, Teacher Marlou and I made preparations for our teaching practice. We discuss the lesson plan that will be taught to grade 4. During practice, we exchange opinions and ideas to make learning better. The second training session went better than the first.

Preparation for the Second Teaching Practice

Second Teaching: Elements of Story

On Tuesday, April 26, 2022. I did my second teaching practice with my partner, Teacher Marlou. We teach Grade 4 for English subject and Elements of Story theme. Previously we had done the Exercise twice and we gave feedback to each other. The class went smoothly until the end. Thankfully, both I and my partners didn't face difficulties or have had any problems while teaching. Grade 4 students are also active during class.

In presenting the topic of this lesson, we showed a video of the Cinderella story where students were familiar with this story so that when we delivered material related to Cinderella they were enthusiastic and not confused. After showing the video, we asked about the characters in the story and the moral values ​​they contain. Then we continued by presenting the main material, namely Elements of Story. During the delivery of the material, we always interact with the students to see if they are still paying attention. After that, we provide activities for students to find out if they understand the material that has been presented. After the class was over, Ma'am Hazel gave us the teacher feedback so that we could be better in the future.

On April 27, 2022, teacher Randyl and I had a meeting to discuss lesson plans and PowerPoint presentations. Then on 4, 5, and 9 May, 2022, we did exercises for our teaching practice. My preparation for this third teaching practice is better than before, where my partner and I do a lot of practice and provide feedback to each other.

Preparation for the Third Teaching Practice

Third Teaching: Adverbs of Time and Place

On Wednesday, May 11, 2022. I did my third teaching practice with teacher Randyl. For Grade 6, we teach English with the theme "Adverbs of Time and Place." Teacher Randyl and I divided into two to explain the material. During class, there were no problems, neither mine nor teacher Randyl's. The class went smoothly until the end.

Grade 6 students are very active during class. They read, answer questions, and actively provide example sentences. During the given activity, students are always active to raise their hands to answer questions. At the end of the lesson, we provide activities to find out if they understand the material that has been delivered. Ma'am Hazel also didn't forget to give us feedback so that we can do better in the future and learn from our mistakes.

On May 16, 2022, Mr. Rico and students who participated in the teaching internship program at PSU held a meeting. We discussed the assignments that the teaching internship had to do for the final report. We have to document every activity so that we can attach it to our report later.

Discussion of the Teaching Internship Assignment

Preparation for the Fourth Teaching Practice

On May 13 and 18, 2022, teacher Rosemarie and I did practice for my grand demo. Because this is my grand demo, at this meeting, I will teach myself or deliver the material in the lesson plan all by myself. During the practice, there were no problems, and teacher Rosemarie gave me some feedback to improve my teaching. The second exercise is better than the first training session.

On Thursday, May 19, 2022, I did my grand demo in grade 5 with the theme "Prepositions." This is my first time teaching in Grade 5. It makes me very excited. My partner helps to share screens during class. Starting from greetings to giving assignments, everything went smoothly and there were no problems.

I give some activities to students to make them active in class. Therefore, grade 5 students are active during class. They read the text and answer the questions given. Many of them raised their hands to answer questions. This makes me happy because they are active during class. Until the end, they continue to participate in learning. After the class was over, I was given feedback by Ma'am Hazel. This time is the last feedback I get because this Grand Demo is the last time I teach here. I have gained so much experience during my teaching internship at Pangasinan State University.

Fourth Teaching Practice (Grand Demo): Prepositions