Website Development

System Analysis and Planning

Defining obejctives and scope: The first step in website development is to define the objectives and scope of the project. This involves aligning the website's purpose with specific, measurable goals and considering the target audience. Establishing clear objectives is essential as it guides the direction of the project. The scope outlines the project's boundaries, including features, functionalities, timeline, and resources. This comprehensive planning ensures the project remains focused, efficient, and successful in achieving its intended outcomes.

Systems Design

Planning and structuring: The systems design phase involves detailing the website's components to ensure it meets its objectives efficiently and effectively. This includes specifying features and functionalities based on the defined goals. It is crucial to identify typical user interactions and scenarios to ensure all user needs are addressed. The design process also focuses on organizing content logically and facilitating easy navigation. Building interactive prototypes is a key aspect, as it simulates user interactions and validates design decisions before full development begins.

Building the System

Visual design and development: In this phase, the focus is on creating a visually appealing and cohesive design that reflects the brand identity of Roots and Bliss Café and enhances the user experience. This involves selecting color schemes, typography, and imagery that align with the brand's aesthetic. Ensuring the website is accessible and usable across various devices and screen sizes is achieved through responsive design techniques. The development team translates the design into code, integrating necessary systems and third-party services to ensure seamless functionality.


Comprehensive testing: A comprehensive testing plan is developed to cover all aspects of the website, including functional, performance, usability, and compatibility testing across different browsers and devices. This phase involves rigorous testing to identify and resolve any issues that may affect the website's performance or user experience. The testing process is iterative, with multiple rounds of testing and refinement to achieve the highest level of quality and reliability. Ensuring a stable and error-free launch is the ultimate goal of this phase.


Launch and monitoring: The final phase involves executing the launch plan. This includes setting a definitive launch date, finalizing all content, and conducting a final round of testing in the production environment. The launch plan also involves promoting the website to ensure it reaches the target audience effectively. Post-launch, tools like Google Analytics are used to monitor site performance and gather user data. This data provides valuable insights into user behavior, helping identify areas for improvement and optimization. Ongoing maintenance and updates are essential to keep the website secure, functional, and relevant, ensuring it continues to deliver value to the business and its audience.