Eli Rabinowitz

Avraham Shlomo Zalman Tzoref born in Keidan, Lithuania on 1Kislev, November 3, 1785 - or as he himself wrote later, in the year ''TaKuM'', thereby hinting at his life's purpose - the son of Reb Yaakov. He married, engaged in trade and continued to study Torah. (Keidan Memorial (Yizkor) Book. p.202)

My third great grandfather, Avraham Shlomo Zalman Tsoref, a student of the Vilna Gaon, was born in Keidan in 1785. He left Kedainiai in 1811 for Palestine where he established the first ashkenazi community in Jerusalem.I also create webpages for JewishGen and I have one on Kedainiai – see:

http://kehilalinks.jewishgen.org/kedainiaiYou can see my connection to Tzoref and his story in a video at:


My great grandfather came from Lithuania, we think Krakes, near Kedainiai. His name was Michel Avraham Herison. (Eli Rabinowitz)