
"What have I learnt during the meeting?" The meeting with Keidaners was really touching because we not only had a chance to hear about their families but also about the history behind one of each. What impressed me the most is that they still do not forget where they came from, that they are determined to know as much as they can about their families, how they lived in Kėdainiai, in what part of the city they were. It was interesting how they teach young people about their community, the history of them related to Kėdainiai and what is incredible about it. The more we talked the more I understood that coming to Kėdainiai for them is a special happening, their eyes and smiles showed that it is really extraordinary for them to come here once more, to feel the soothing breeze that reminds them of their roots, old pictures of their families in their cherished homeland. After all this meeting, I could say that the history of Keidaners intertwine with our history and there is not "yours" or "mine" history it is OUR history and we have to show it to the world from every aspect. ( Aistė)

To begin with, I am so glad that I had the privilege of participating in the historical project which was held at Kėdainiai Atžalynas gymnasium. This project gives me a lot of beautiful thoughts and mixed emotions even now. Because of this project, I had an opportunity to learn about wonderful history of Kėdainiai and find out more about the Jewish community. I realized how important unity is and how important it is to communicate with each another, despite religion, traditions or beliefs and care to understand one another. I think there is nothing as powerful as unity of diverse people who see their past, their differences and live in peace together. This project opened doors for me to new historical facts, but more importantly, it changed me as a person. Now I am trying to learn more about history not only in my native language but in English as well. And I am so happy because I had a chance not only to represent my school but also learn something new! This project recalls old history, which young people hear and want to save! (Karolina)