Bookmarks Bar Switcher lets you easily and quickly switch between multiple bookmarks bars.How to use:To start, name your current book bar.To create a bookmarks bar that you can switch to, create a folder within Other Bookmarks.How it works:When switching, your current bookmarks bar will be backed up to a folder within Other Bookmarks with the name you initially specified.And the folder you selected will become the new bookmarks bar.So any changes you made on your bookmarks bar will stay when you switch back.Known issues:It doesn't work well across multiple devices.Reports of bookmarks mixed up have been received.It's probably something to do with the chrome bookmark sync functionality.It's very likely to happen when you switch the bookmarks bar while chrome is syncing the bookmarks.At the moment, there isn't a good way to fix the issue. Because chrome doesn't provide APIs to tell when the sync starts or ends.But one way to potentially avoid the problem is when you switch device, don't immediately switch the bookmarks bar. Give it sometime (2-3 mins) to finish the sync and then switch.

In chrome you can replace the names of bookmarks in the toolbar with their favicon. Is it possible to do the same thing in Firefox? I want all my bookmarks to just display the favicon in order to save space.

Roomy Bookmarks Toolbar Chrome Download


The downside to deleting the descriptions/labels is that you lose some of the usefulness of the bookmark, you can't just type its name into the URL bar and find it any more, your bookmarks become harder to manage if the icons are lost (eg if you move to another machine). You can do this without installing any add-ons or deleting any bookmark descriptions, by just hiding them.

Save this file as "userChrome.css" and save it into the Chrome folder within your Firefox profile folder. This will be in one of the following locations on a normal Windows box, or in the equivalent on Mac/Linux:

Note that it 's possible that neither the "chrome" folder or the "userChrome.css" file exists in your profile at the moment, but you can create these if they don't currently exist. More info at MozillaZine: UserChrome.css, thanks to @Andrew for pointing this out in the comments.

However, with the old Firefox, I was able to use an add-on called Roomy Bookmarks which enabled favorites on the Bookmarks Toolbar to show as icons rather than text - i.e. I could fit them all in on one screen. And this was essentially the main reason I stayed with Firefox rather than migrating to, eg, Edge, as Microsoft keep trying to persuade me to do!

Remember, to save space that you can also create Folders on your Toolbar to group similar bookmarks(right click on the toolbar; also offers new separators). Also don't be afraid of the easily accessed spillover - >> at the end of the Bookmarks Toolbar.

Only problem with that is when making a new bookmark, you got to remember to erase the title also. ANOTHER problem now that I think of it, there's sites with different pages but same icon. And make the icons spaced out less. And give in option to make the option to put the title in the mouse rollover description not url jumble - titles in the bookmark bar takes up TOO MUCH space.

I add the code with some other code I found and got 5 rows to display, Nice, but the old add-in allowed me to scroll up and down since the size of my bookmarks toolbar is 90 rows, Is there a way to add that also. That would pretty much be that whole show.Thanks so much.

If you have a scroll wheel or you like to scroll with the touchpad, you can set a new overflow rule and use the wheel to scroll. However, at least in my test, the displayed scroll bar itself didn't function normally, it just shows where I am in the set of rows.

Playing with a lot of parameters I don not undrestand, but I got the Bookmarks toolbar to show 9, yes nine rows, with icons and text. I don't want text to show except on hover and I think the max number of icons is about 100 give or take several, hard to count. This code in userchrome.css is what gives me the 9 rows with icons plus text.I've tried adding other code to hide text but then it starts showing only 2 2.5 lines and has a slider to go down but I can't slide it.

Hi carversmith, you can set the text part of the bookmark to hidden, but showing it on hover will make the bar shift around and may make it difficult to view what you want to view on hover. Unless you meant you just want to use the tooltips.


 4. Organize your favicons: Once you have installed your new toolbar, go into your bookmarks manager and organize your favicons according to use. NOTE: if you are using Chrome, you may need to edit your bookmarks and delete the saved site names to display favicons only.

The Bookmarks toolbar at the top of most browsers offers a convenient way to access your favorite websites. These bookmarks are restricted to a single row in all current browsers, which is problematic if your list of favorite sites is longer and won't fit in this row. The only way to add another line to the Bookmarks toolbar is with the use of browser extensions. As of August 2013, the only two browsers featuring extensions to expand the Bookmarks toolbar are Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

Enter the titles and URLs of the bookmarks that you want to place on the extra bookmarks bar in the "Title" and "URL" fields. You can click and drag existing Chrome bookmarks from the Bookmarks bar into the "URL" field.

Virtually growing up in a computer repair shop, Naomi Bolton has held a passion for as long as she can remember. After earning a diploma through a four year course in graphic design from Cibap College, Bolton launched her own photography business. Her work has been featured on Blinklist, Gameramble and many others.

You have reached this article because you are displeased with the moronic new look featured in Firefox 29 andabove, or even earlier versions of the Aurora pre-beta channel. You are not pleased with the pseudo-Chromelayout, and you want to restore the saner classic looks that existed in Firefox so far. Worry not. You've cometo the right place.

In this article, I will show you, step by step, all the tools, add-ons and settings needed to obtain thestandard behavior, within 99% of what it used to be. This will allow you to continue using Firefox without theAustralis interface. Follow me.

The very first thing you want to do is install the Classic Theme Restorer addon, which will help you sort outsome of the problems seen above. Namely, this little extension lets you use tabs below the address bar, usesquare tabs, separate the back and forward buttons and detach them from the address bar, and many other neatfixes.

After you install the extension, please examine the Options. The important settings are available on the Mainand Special tabs. Under Main, Tabs, selected Squared tabs and Tabs not on top. Under Application button, changethe color and placement. In the right pane, under General UI, restore the Statusbar at the bottom of thebrowser window, and make sure you check Movable back-forward button.

On the Special tab, white color separators will make the GUI look friendlier, and restore the older feel. Ofcourse, you can always make additional changes. But these few options are basic guidelines to getting it right.

If you've followed my Firefox reviews, then you are already using this extension. Good. Open its options, andlet's do some more tweaking. Once again, there are many settings you can play with, but the important ones areavailable under Status and Progress.

Under General, you can choose where to display the status text and links. If you do not want them to hover inan ugly fashion over displayed web pages, use the Toolbar option from the drop down menu. This needs anadditional tweak, see Customization below. If you do choose popups, then you might want to disable linksswapping sides when they hover too close to a linked item.

Lastly, to see the progress of loaded pages, you can display a bar in the location bar, or the address bar ifyou will. This is handy if you do not wish to use the Progress Bar, but more about that in a jiffy.

But this is not all. You will have to right-click the top section of the browser window, inside one of thetoolbars, and select Customize. Next, remove all the buttons you do not want, and add the new ones. This alsoincludes the Back and Forward buttons, which you will have hopefully decoupled from the address bar earlier.

In order to have the Status Bar behave properly, you will have to add the Status Text field in there. You canalso place additional space items to get the right layout in case some of the items bother you.

The Progress Meter is another handy button, but it will not auto-hide, so consider this an aesthetic setback.Still, it's quite good. You can resolve the problem by tweaking the Status-4-Evar options as shown earlier.

You can get classic buttons shape if you want, or even use a new set. The Classic Toolbar Buttons will do the former, while the NoUn Buttons extension unmerges and separates the backand forward functions. Whoever thought this was a good idea? Combined with the movable option, this reallygives you a great layout flexibility.

My recommendation here is only to use the Classic Theme Restorer, to get the back and forward button movableand detach it from the address bar. Then, use the customize option to place the two buttons where they belong.Finally, use the Classic Toolbar Buttons to get the desired layout.

Firefox 29 with the failing Australis interface places the toolbar bookmark icons and text too tightly, so youmight want to space them out. Adding spaces to the bookmarks names is a very handy and simple hack for gettingthe desired result. You can also install the Roomy Bookmarks Toolbar addon and select normal spacingto get the best results. But if you need more, you will have to use the hack. 152ee80cbc

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