Reading Journal Prompts

Response to All Books:

I think…

I wonder…

In my opinion…

My favorite part was ___________ because…

I like/dislike this book because…

This book reminds me of…

This book is about…

A strong feeling I had was ________ because…

My favorite genre to read is _________ because…

Fiction Books:

I agree with the character because…

I disagree with the character because…

If I was the character…

The problem in the story happened when…

The solution in the story happened when…

I infer the message/lesson of the story is…

My new ending of the story is…

Non-Fiction Books:

The main idea of this book is…

Three details I learned are…

An important fact I learned is…

An interesting fact I learned is…

This biography is about _________. I learned…
