Tuesday 18th February 2025, 19:00 for refreshments and chat. 19:30 start

Crosfield Hall  Annex

Romsey needs YOU!

We currently have vacancies for an Events Committee Chair.

If you, or someone you know, might be interested in any of these roles, please contact our secretary: 

The Romsey and District Society Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday 18th February 2025 at the Crosfield Hall Annex and everyone is warmly invited to attend.

Reports for 2024 will be received from the Chairman, Viv Messenger and the Treasurer, Joseph Dwyer, together with reports from the Planning Committee, Natural Environment Committee, Footpaths & Cycleways Committee, Membership Secretary and the Buildings Preservation Trust.

The election of Officers and Executive Committee members will also be conducted.

We welcome new members -this is an opportunity to find out more about what we are doing and how you might get more involved.

There are a number of vacancies on the Executive Committee.

The 2 year role of  chairmen ends at this AGM and current chair will be stepping down to take on the role of vice chair for the next year.  A new chairman is therefore required to ensure the Society will continue.

We need more people to assist in arranging social events for the Society and would particularly welcome someone willing to act as lead on this activity. 

If you can help or would like to get more involved with our activities, please contact the secretary to discuss this.