Past Activities

Previous seminar talks and activities 

June 11, 2024: Women in Mathematics Day in Romania -- Celebrating Adelina Georgescu (Anca Veronica Ion)

April 15, 2024: Determining the percentage of female mathematicians in higher education in Romania

March 14, 2024: Diana Biclea (Univ. Lucian Blaga din Sibiu), "Digital tools in superior mathematics"  - Instrumente digitale la matematica superioară (prezentarea) 

February 15, 2024: 3 years celebration of the RWM network! 🎉Discussion with Counselor Mrs. ROXANA GHIBA on "Differences between women and men. How we manage the stress generated by these differences" - Disparități de gen și cum le putem naviga fără stres (prezentarea) Fotografie de la eveniment

January 25, 2024: About European Women in Mathematics (EWM) and activities of networks from other countries 

December 14, 2023: Open talks on proposing activities to debate at the seminar during the next year and thoughts at the end of this year

November 15, 2023: Discussion on the new education law in Romania

● October 17, 2023: Welcome back! New start, new goals. (Open discussion on summer activities and future conferences to participate) 

● May 22, 2023: An event associated to May 12 initiative - Celebrating Women in Mathematics - "Întâlnire cu Ana Caraiani - o matematiciană de excepție" / "Meeting with Ana Caraiani - an outstanding mathematician"

● March 13, 2023: Discussions about conferences, the necessity of attending and about the conferences happening this year in Romania. 

● February 9, 2023: 2 years celebration of the RWM network: Presentation of Romanian Women in Mathematics poster. 

● January 12, 2023: Happy New Year meeting! Disscussions regarding the upcoming 2 years celebration of RWM network.

● December 13, 2022: Mrs. Elena Mesea (Team Leader - Software Development, at Continental Automotive Systems SRL; Ambassador of this company in relations with University of Craiova) - Women in Exact Sciences. Celebrating diversity

● November 10, 2022: Continued the debate on whether or not the two years of maternity leave provided by the state for raising children in Romania should be deducted from certain promotion criteria.

October 10, 2022: A debate on whether or not the two years of maternity leave provided by the state for raising children in Romania should be deducted from certain promotion criteria.

● May 12, 2022: Celebrating women in Mathematics / Ziua matematicienelor 

● April 6, 2022: Elena Resmerita (Alpen-Adria University of Klagenfurt, Austria), Loredana Bălilescu (University of Pitești, Romania) - About a personal webpage

● March 11, 2022: Mira-Cristiana Anisiu (Tiberiu Popoviciu Institute of Numerical Analysis - Romanian Academy, Cluj – Napoca) - Fighting the retirement gender gap

● February 10, 2022: Launch of the group's website - 1 year celebration of the group

●January 11, 2022: Dana Ficuț-Vicaș (Romanian Academy Astronomical Institute, Astronomical Observatory Cluj-Napoca) - Interdisciplinarity of Mathematics

● December 14, 2021: Gabriela Cristescu (Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad) - Organizing conferences and other meetings

● November 12, 2021: Round table 

● October 11, 2021: Dana Constantinescu (University of Craiova) – Presentation of Center of Interdisciplinary Research in Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, University of Craiova

● July 13, 2021: Antonela Toma (University Politehnica of Bucharest) - Presentation on the organization of scientific events and collaboration facilities.

● June 14, 2021: Roxana Ardeleanu (Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacău) - Experiential learning

● May 11, 2021:

1. Maria-Magdalena Boureanu (University of Craiova) - Feedback from students based on Google Forms

2. Dana Constantinescu (University of Craiova) - Conceiving and presenting papers on differential equations by students from technical faculties first year: Teamwork

3. Maria Jivulescu (Politehnica University of Timisoara) - Breakout rooms (Zoom); Overleaf as a Latex work platform 

● April 12, 2021: Eva Kaslik (West University of Timisoara) - Google Forms (for feedback from students)

● March 11, 2021: Ioana-Alexandra Somîtcă (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca) - Teaching / communicating mathematics

● February 11, 2021:

1. Dana Constantinescu (University of Craiova) - Online education

2. Maria Jivulescu (Politehnica University of Timisoara) - Challenges of teaching mathematics online