News and Activities

Monthly seminar "Mathematics and Life"

NEXT SEMINAR: OCTOBER 1o, 2024, 19:30 (EET)  - Welcome back to school!


 Happy Celebration of Women in Mathematics! 

May 12, 2024

See details about the registered event:

Women in Mathematics Day in Romania --

 Celebrating Adelina Georgescu 

Happy  #May12, the worldwide Celebration of Women in Mathematics ! 

We wish you a Happy Celebration of Women in Mathematics on May 12, 2023!

 We are happy to report that more than 130 events from 47 different countries are already announced on May 12 2023 website. 

The May12 website for the 2023 edition is available at! 

Newsletter from the Committee for Women in Mathematics CWM 


February 9, 2023, 19:30 (EET)

 2 years celebration of the RWM network:

       Romanian Women in Mathematics poster  

        Happy International Day

                of Women and Girls 

                       in Science!

                  February 11, 2023


Dear colleagues,

We send our best wishes for a great year in all aspects of life! 

We hope that you've had a great summer relaxing with your loved ones! Also, we hope that the new academic year has had a great start for you and that you already miss our monthly meetings.

Our seminar "Mathematics and Life" will be held on Monday, October 10, 2022, starting at 7:30 p.m.

As a topic of discussion, we propose to debate whether or not the two years of maternity leave provided by the state for raising children in Romania should be deducted from certain promotion criteria.

Event: Celebrating Women in Mathematics in 2022, 4th edition!

The May12 initiative - May 12 is a joyful opportunity for the mathematical community to celebrate women in mathematics. The celebration takes place every year, all around the world. Why the 12th of May ? See the website for details :  

The topic of the year "Mathematics unites!"

            The International Mathematical Union's Committee for Women in Mathematics (CWM)  is supporting actively the International Day of Mathematics and most of the activities are gender balanced and illustrate the involvement of women and girls in the event. 

            See the activities in IMU News 111b: Special issue on the International Day of Mathematics 2022:

Happy International Day of Mathematics

March 14, 2022

 March 8: Happy International Women's Day! May we all be happy and successful! 

News from CWM:

There are 120 women featured, and about 8 of them are mathematicians. 

Please visit the page:

the International Women's Day. 

Let us enjoy the celebration! Women of the world, unite! 

Please visit: 

We would like to share this initiative to support scientists in Ukraine. If you have the opportunity to welcome someone to your group, please consider signing up on the list.

In this tremendously hard time for Ukraine, here is a call of Russian and American women: 

In view of the recent developments, the IMU EC has made the following decisions about the ICM 2022:


The CWM  is in line with this statement. "We strongly condemn the actions by Russia. Our deepest sympathy goes to our Ukrainian colleagues and the Ukrainian people." 


The article "Fighting the retirement gender gap" by our colleague Mira-Cristiana Anisiu (Tiberiu Popoviciu Institute of Numerical Analysis - Romanian Academy, Cluj – Napoca) has appeared in the EWM Newsletter (February 2022) 

- see the article here: 


February 11, 2022 - International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Dear Colleagues,

Today we celebrate the International Day of Girls and Women with Science Activities and a year since we started our seminar.

Congratulations, dear mathematicians!