

Sedimentologika is a community-driven Diamond Open Access (DOA) scientific journal about sedimentology. The journal aims to create a place where people can publish their research and access scientific studies on all types of sedimentary processes, methods, deposits, and environments, across all spatial and temporal scales, on Earth or any other planetary body, for free. The published material will be free to share (i.e., no embargo period) since the authors retain the copyright. Sedimentologika is driven by the community for the community and is part of a broader DOA movement in geosciences. Sedimentologika aspires to provide direct and equal access to science to all citizens, scientists, and institutions all over the globe. This journal is defined by Open Science principles to promote ethical dissemination of science and knowledge, following high equality, diversity, and inclusion standards. 

The research goals of PRISMS are to resolve paleoclimate records in the rock record with a focus on sediment deposited in shallow marine (beach to shelf) environments. Shallow-marine settings are traditionally not considered to preserve pristine records of paleoclimate; however, work in sedimentary basins with very high accommodation/ sedimentation rates such as the Western Foreland Basin, Taiwan show that these settings can preserve high-resolution records of climate change and its impact on sedimentation. Our goal is to study high accommodation basins globally and assess local records of paleoclimate changes preserved therein. The resulting data is intended to inform and revise forward looking climate models by developing more site specific and accurate past climate histories.

The Applied Research in Ichnology and Sedimentology (ARISE) Group conducts field-based research investigating sedimentological, ichnological, and stratigraphic aspects of siliciclastic depositional environments and deposits. The group's focus is on integrating the results of modern research with rock-record studies. Much of the research is aimed at the Petroleum Industry, where the results of the various projects are directly applicable to geological questions faced by the industry. We are committed to undergraduate and graduate student teaching in sedimentology and ichnology, where students have access to and are taught to use a wide range of equipment.

Ichnology is the study of traces, such as burrows, trackways, and borings, created in the substrate by living organisms. It is an increasingly important field, having recently been transformed into a multifaceted science at the crossroads of many disciplines. Our research group, based out of the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, Canada, delves into the world of ichnology across the entire geologic time scale. Headed by Dr. Buatois and Dr. Mángano, our group examines novel applications of ichnology to geologic problems, both new and old.

Paleorhodania is an association founded in 2010. The association aims at promoting geological and palaeontological heritage by involving a team of scientist in the field with missions of exploration and excavation. This association has a mediating role between local authorities, land owners, collectors and amateur such as museum and universities. The objective is to promote the discoveries through scientific publications, exhibitions and conferences (specialised and to a general audience). 

Check out the two websites of my father Pierre-Yves Vaucher showing the amazing diversity of animals and landscapes he takes during his travels ! 


Fezouata Biota Reconstruction for the Special Issue in Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology performed by the talented french artist Madmeg

Edited by Bertrand Lefebvre, Rudy Lerosey-Aubril, Thomas Servais and Peter Van Roy

Picture: Bitis arietans, near Tiznit, Morocco © Romain Vaucher