
Invited talks


University of Geneva Library, Switzerland

University of Bern, Switzerland

University of Lyon, France

National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Academia Sinica, Taiwan

University of Lausanne, Switzerland
University of Toulouse, France
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
University of Oslo, Norway
Seds Online

University of Lyon, France

Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany


Simon Fraser University, Canada


University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Session chair


Paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental changes in shallow-marine seas

Spatial and temporal variability in coastal to shelf environments

Open Science: Data, Software, Knowledge, and Education

during the 36th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Dubrovnik, Croatia

Climate response to orbital forcing

during the EGU 2023 General Assembly, Vienna, Austria 


Reading paleoclimate signals across timescales and environments

Sediment gravity flow deposits in marine systems

Mixed depositional processes in coastal to shelf environments

during the 21st International Sedimentological Congress, Beijing, China (Online)

Climate response to orbital forcing

during the EGU 2022 General Assembly, Vienna, Austria


The waltz of processes in paralic environments – Rock record and modern perspectives

during the 35th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Prague, Czech Republic (Online)


Interplays of hydrodynamic processes in shallow marine environments 

during the 34th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Rome, Italy


Open session on Paleo-environments and Paleo-climates

during the 20th International Sedimentological Congress, Quebec, Canada

Technical presentations

54. Vaucher, R., Musajo, C., Spangenberg, J. E., Poyatos-Moré, M., Puigdefàbregas, C., Castelltort, S., Adatte, T. (2023) Sediment supply controls on Early Eocene delta sequences (South Pyrenean Foreland Basin; Spain) 21st Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Mendrisio, Switzerland (Talk)

53. Saleh, F., Lustri, L., Gueriau, P., Potin, G., Pérez-Peris, F., Laibl, L., Jamart, V., Vite, A., Antcliffe, J. B., Daley, A. C., Nohejlová, M., Dupichaud, C., Lynch, S., Drage, H. B., Vaucher, R., Vizcaïno, D., Monceret, E., Monceret, S., and Lefebvre, B. (2023).  The Cabrières Biota (France) provides insights into Ordovician polar ecosystems. 21st Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Mendrisio, Switzerland (Talk)

52. Thomas, C., Zuchuat, V., Vaucher, R., Spychala, Y., Saleh, F., Privat, A., Poyatos-Moré, M., Marchegiano, M., Kernen, R., and Kane, I., (2023). Lessons learnt (and yet to be learnt) when creating the community-driven Diamond Open Access journal Sedimentologika, in Proceedings Goldschmidt. Goldschmidt 2023, Lyon, France (Poster).

51. Vaucher, R., Musajo, C., Spangenberg, J. E., Poyatos-Moré, M., Puigdefàbregas, C., Castelltort, S., Adatte, T. (2023) Warmer gets sandier? The paleoenvironmental record of hyperthermal events in coastal environments during the Early Eocene Climate Optimum (South Pyrenean Foreland Basin, Spain). 36th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Dubrovnik, Croatia (Poster – Best Poster Award for Early Career Scientist)

50. Dashtgard, S., Vaucher, R., Yang, B.,  Dalrymple, R. (2023). Tidal shorefaces and their rock record expression: a unifying model and refinement of the coastal-environments classification scheme. 36th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Dubrovnik, Croatia (Talk)

49. Hsieh, A. I., Vaucher, R., Löwemark, L., Dashtgard, S. E., Horng, C-H., Lin, A. T., Zeeden, C. (2023) The influence of Taiwan orogenesis on the preservation of climate signals. 36th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Dubrovnik, Croatia (Talk)

48. Thomas, C., Privat, A., Vaucher, R., Spychala, Y., Zuchuat, V., Marchegiano, M., Poyatos-Moré, M., Kane, I., Chiarella, D., Kernen, R., Saleh, F. (2023). Sedimentologika: a community-driven diamond open access journal in sedimentology. 36th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Dubrovnik, Croatia (Poster)

47. Dillinger, A., MacEachern, J. A., Dashtgard, S.E., Radomski, M., Vaucher. R. (2023) Extending the spectrum of storm-flood deltas: examples from a high-latitude deltaic system during the Early Cretaceous. 36th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Dubrovnik, Croatia (Poster)

46. Hsieh, A. I., Vaucher, R., Löwemark, L., Horng, C-H., Lin, A. T., Dashtgard, S. E. (2023) Using integrated magnetostratigraphy, biostratigraphy, and astrochronology to evaluate the impacts of a rapidly uplifting orogen on the preservation of climate oscillations. EGU 2023 General Assembly, Vienna, Austria (Talk)

45. Vaucher, R., Musajo, C., Spangenberg, J. E., Poyatos-Moré, M., Puigdefàbregas, C., Castelltort, S., Adatte, T. (2022) Sedimentary record of hyperthermal events during the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum in the South Pyrenean Foreland Basin. 20th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Lausanne, Switzerland (Poster)

44. Vaucher, R., Chiarella, D., Marchegiano, M., Poyatos-Moré, M., Privat, A., Spychala, Y., Thomas, C., Zuchuat, V. (2022) Sedimentologika: a new community-driven DOA journal. 20th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Lausanne, Switzerland (Talk)

43. Saleh, F., Vaucher, R., Vidal, M., El Hariri, K., Laibl, L., Daley, A.C., Gutiérrez-Marco, J-C., Candela, Y., Harper, D. A.T., Ortega-Hernández, J., Ma, X., Vizacaïno, D., Lefebvre B. (2022) A new fossil assemblage from the Early Ordovician Fezouata Biota. 20th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Lausanne, Switzerland (Talk)

42. Hsieh, A. I., Dashtgard, S. E., Wang, P-L., Horng, C-H., Su, C-C, Lin, A. T., Vaucher, R., Löwemark, L. (2022 – upcoming) Multi-proxy evidence for rapidly shifting sediment sources to the Taiwan Western Foreland Basin at the Miocene- Pliocene transition. GSA Connects 2022, Denver, USA (Talk)

41. Vaucher, R., Zeeden, C., Hsieh, A., Kaboth-Bahr, S., Lin, A-T., Horng, C-H., Dashtgard, S.E. (2022 – upcoming) Hydroclimate dynamics in the Plio-Pleistocene Western Pacific. 21th ISC, Beijing, China (Talk)

40. Jin, L., Shi, X., Vaucher, R., Wang, C., Shan, X., Qiao S. (2022) The controls of the incised valley filling process on the preservation of organic carbon, the East China Sea Shelf. 21th ISC, Beijing, China (Talk)

39. Vaucher, R., Zeeden, C., Hsieh, A., Kaboth-Bahr, S., Lin, A-T., Horng, C-H., Dashtgard, S.E. (2022) Towards an astrochronological tuned age model for the upper Pliocene–lower Pleistocene Western Foreland Basin of Taiwan. EGU 2022 General Assembly, Vienna, Austria (Short Oral)

38. Hsieh, A. I., Dashtgard, S. E., Wang, P-L., Horng, C-H., Su, C-C, Lin, A. T., Vaucher, R., Löwemark, L. (2022) Multi-proxy evidence for the denudation of Taiwan at the start of the Pliocene. EGU 2022 General Assembly, Vienna, Austria (Talk)

37. Marchegiano, M., Chiarella, D., Jarochowska, E., Kane, I., Privat, A., Poyatos-Moré, M., Soutter, E., Spychala, Y., Thomas, C., Vaucher, R., Zuchuat, V. (2022) Sedimentologika: a community-driven DOA journal. EGU 2022 General Assembly, Vienna, Austria (Short Oral)

36. Vaucher, R., Dashtgard, S.E., Horng, C-H., Zeeden, C. Dillinger, A., Pan, Y-Y., Ari Setiaji, R., Chi, W-R., Löwemark, L. (2021) Sea level and sediment supply in Taiwan during the early Pleistocene: a matter of precession. 19th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland (Oral) 

35. Vaucher, R., Dashtgard, S.E., Horng, C-H., Zeeden, C. Dillinger, A., Pan, Y-Y., Ari Setiaji, R., Chi, W-R., Löwemark, L. (2021) Sea level and sediment flux paced by insolation during the Early Pleistocene, Taiwan. 35th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Prague, Czech Republic (Talk)

34. Dillinger, A., MacEachern, J. A., Dashtgard, S.E., Radomski, M., Vaucher. R. (2021) Channels or valleys? Investigating the up-dip to downdip evolution of paralic strata in a low-accommodation basin. 35th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Prague, Czech Republic (Talk)

33. Dashtgard, S.E., Vaucher, R. Yang, B.C., Dalrymple, R (2021) Wave-dominated to tide-dominated coastal systems: A unifying model for tidal shorefaces and refinement of the coastal-environments classification scheme. 35th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Prague, Czech Republic (Talk)

32. Vaucher, R., Dashtgard, S.E., Horng, C-H., Zeeden, C. Dillinger, A., Pan, Y-Y., Ari Setiaji, R., Chi, W-R., Löwemark, L. (2021) Insolation-paced sea level during the Early Pleistocene, Taiwan. vEGU 2021 General Assembly, Vienna, Austria (Pico)

31. Dashtgard, S.E., Löwemark, L., Wang, P-L., Ari Setiaji, R., Vaucher, R. (2021) Geochemical evidence of tropical cyclone controls on shallow-marine sedimentation (Pliocene, Taiwan). vEGU 2021 General Assembly, Vienna, Austria (Pico)

30. Dillinger, A., MacEachern, J. A., Dashtgard, S.E., Radomski, M., Vaucher. R. (2021) Glitches in the Upper Mannville: Unravelling the Stratigraphic Framework of the Clearwater and Grand Rapids Formations and Their Equivalents. GUSSOW 2021, Banff, Canada (Talk)

29. Saleh, F., Vaucher, R., Antcliffe, J., Daley, A.C., El Hariri, K., Lefebvre, B., Kouraiss, K., Martin, E.L.O, Perrillat, J-P., Sansjofre, P., Vidal, M., Pittet, B. (2020) Insights into soft-part preservation from the Early Ordovician Fezouata Biota. PalAss Virtual, Oxford, United Kingdom (Poster)

28. Vaucher, R., Dashtgard, S.E., Löwemark, L., Pan, Y-Y., Ari Setiaji, R., Dillinger, A., Chi, W-R., Horng, C-H., Wang, P-L. (2020) Depositional cyclicity in Pleistocene-aged shallow-marine strata  (Western Foreland Basin, Taiwan). 35th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Prague, Czech Republic (Talk; canceled due to COVID-19)

27. Dillinger, A., MacEachern, J. A., Dashtgard, S.E., Radomski, M., Vaucher. R. (2020) Where do paleovalleys go? Investigating their coeval downdip strata in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin. 35th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Prague, Czech Republic (Talk; canceled due to COVID)

26. Vaucher R. (2020) Cyclicity in the intensity of monsoons and tropical cyclones in the rock record. 1st Virtual Postdoc Research Award of Simon Fraser University (3 min Talk)

25. Dashtgard, S.E., Löwemark, L., Vaucher, R.,, Pilarcyzk, J., Castelltort, S. (2020) Characterization of typhoons and their deposits in shallow-marine strata in the Taiwan Strait. SEPM International Sedimentary Geosciences Congress, Flagstaff, USA (Poster; canceled due to COVID-19)

24. Cichowolski, M., Vaccari, E.N., Vaucher, R., Waisfeld, B.G. (2019) The oldest record of cephalopods (Ellesmeroceatida) from the Central Andean Basin. RCAPA, La Plata (Talk)

23. Vaucher, R., Vaccari, E.N., Balseiro, D., Muñoz, D.F., Waisfeld, B.G., Buatois, L.A. (2019) Tectonic controls on deposition: delineating geodynamic constrains of western Gondwanaland (Cambrian-Ordovician; Argentina). 34th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Rome (Poster)

22. Vaucher, R., Vaccari, E.N., Muñoz, D.F., Buatois L.A., Waisfeld, B.G. (2018) Cambrian–Ordovician tide- to wave-dominated shallow-marine clastic environments  from Sierra de Cajas, northwest Argentina. 20th ISC, Quebec City, Canada (Poster – Best Poster Award for Early Career Scientist)

21. Nohejlova, M., Nardin, E., Lefebvre, B., Vaucher, R., Vaccari, N.E., Muñoz, D.F., Waisfeld, B.G. (2018) A new echinoderm fauna from the Early Tremadocian (Lower Ordovician) of Jujuy province, Argentina. 16th International Echinoderm Conference, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan (Talk)

20. Vaucher, R. (2017) Depósitos de tormenta como tumba para la Biota de Fezouata (Ordovícico Inferior, Marruecos). X Jornadas de Ciencias de la Tierra, Córdoba, Argentina (Talk in spanish)

19. Vaucher, R., Pittet, B., Hormière, H., Martin, E.L.O and Lefebvre, B. (2016) Storm deposits as graves for the Fezouata Biota (Lower Ordovician, Morocco). PalAss 2016, Lyon, France (Poster)

18. Vaucher, R., Allemand, P., Humbert, T., Ferry, S., and Pittet B. (2016) Hummocky cross-stratifications as a result of a wave-wave interference? RST 2016, Caen,  France (Talk)

17. Vaucher, R., Pittet, B., Hormière, H., Martin, E.L.O and Lefebvre, B. (2016) Storm deposits as graves in the Fezouata Shale (Lower Ordovician, Morocco). RST  2016, Caen, France (Poster)

16. Vaucher, R., Pittet, B., Hormière, H., Martin, E.L.O and Lefebvre, B (2016) Storm deposits as graves in Early Life: the Fezouata Lagerstätte case (Lower  Ordovician, Morocco). EGU 2016 General Assembly, Vienna, Austria (Poster)

15. Vaucher, R., Pittet, B., Hormière, H., Martin, E.L.O, Lefebvre B. (2015) Palaeoenvironmental conditions and the record of the Great Ordovician Biodiversification  Event in the Anti-Atlas of Morocco. RALI 2015, Marrakesh, Morocco (Talk)

14. Pittet, B., Vaucher, R., Lefebvre, B. (2015) Towards new findings of Lagerstätten in the Fezouata? A sedimentological perspective. RALI 2015, Marrakesh,  Morocco (Talk)

13. Lefebvre, B., Allaire, N., Guensburg, T.E., Hunter, A.W., Kouraiss, K., Martin, E.L.O., Nardin, E., Noailles, F., Pittet, B., Zamora, S., Sumral, C.D., Vaucher, R.  (2015) Palaeoecological aspects of the diversification of echinoderms in the Lower Ordovician of central Anti-Atlas, Morocco. RALI 2015, Marrakesh, Morocco  (Talk)

12. Nowak, H., Servais, T., Pittet, B., Vaucher, R., Akodad, M., Gaines, R.R., Amberg, C., Vandenbtoucke, T.R.A. (2015) Palynomorphs of the Lower Ordovician  Fezouata Formation of Morocco. RALI 2015, Marrakesh, Morocco (Talk)

11. Lefebvre, B., Martin, E.L.O., Vaucher, R., (2015) Taphonomy of a stylophoran-dominated assemblage in the Lower Ordovician of Zagora area (central Anti-Atlas,  Morocco). Progress in Echinoderm Palaeobiology 15th, Zaragoza, Spain (Talk)

10. Allaire, N., Lefebvre, B., Martin, E.L.O., Nardin, E., Vaucher, R. (2015) Taphonomy of a new rhopalocystis assemblage in the Lower Ordovician of the Zagora area  (central Anti-Atlas, Morocco). Progress in Echinoderm Palaeobiology 15th, Zaragoza, Spain (Talk)

9. Vaucher, R., Hormière, H., Pittet, B. (2015) Genesis of sandstone lenses in a wave-dominated, tide-modulated siliciclastic system (Fezouata Fm, Lower  Ordovician, Morocco). 31th IAS Meeting, Krakow, Poland (Talk)

8. Vaucher, R., Martin, E.L.O., Pittet, B. (2015) Paléoenvironnements associés à la Grande Biodiversification Ordovicienne dans l’Anti-Atlas marocain. 5th Rencontre  des doctorants de l’e2m2, Villeubanne, France (Talk)

7. Martin, E., Allaire, N., Azizi, A., Bachnou, A., El Hariri, K., Kouraiss, K., Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C., Lefebvre, B., Lerosey-Aubril, R., Hafid, A., Masrour, M., Nardin, E.,  Pittet, B., Prieur, A., Robert, E., Van Roy, P., Vannier, J., Vaucher, R., Vidal, M., Vizcaino, D. (2014) Systematic excavation in the Lower Ordovician Fezouata  Lagerstätte (Zagora area, Morocco). Palaeontological Association Annual Meeting, Leeds, UK. (Talk)

6. Vaucher, R. and Pittet, B. (2014) A peculiar wave-dominated siliciclastic system in the Fezouata and Zini formations, Lower Ordovician, Morocco: a possible tide  influence? 19th ISC, Geneva, Switzerland (Talk)

5. Kouraiss, K., Martin, E.L.O., El Hariri, K., Lefebvre, B., Masour, M., Allaire, N., Azizi, A., Bachnou, A., Hormière, H., Lerosey-Aubril, R., Nardin, E., Pittet, B., Prieur,  A., Robert, E., Vaucher, R., Vidal, M., Vizcaïno, D. (2014) Le chantier de fouilles paléontologiques de Bou Izargane (region de Zagora, Maroc): défis et enjeux de  l’exploitation d’un site à préservation exceptionnelle de l’Ordovicien inférieur. 5ème Rencontre sur la Valorisation et la Préservation du Patrimoine Paléontologique,  Oujda, Morocco (Talk)

4. Servais, T., El Hariri, K., Lefebvre, B., Akodad, M., Azizi, A., Bachnou, A., Hafid, A., Kouraiss, K., Lerosey-Aubril, R., Martin, E.L.O., Masrour, M., Nardin, E.,  Nowak, H., Pittet, B., Prieur, A., Robert, E., Vandenbroucke, T., Vaucher, R., Vidal, M., Vizcaïno, D. (2014) Les gisements à préservation exceptionnelle de  l’Ordovicien inférieur de la région de Zagora (Anti-Atlas central, Maroc): un patrimoine paléontologique unique au monde à préserver et à valoriser. 5ème  Rencontre sur la Valorisation et la Préservation du Patrimoine Paléontologique, Oujda, Morocco (Talk)

3.  Vaucher, R., Plotieau, T., Eeckhau, I., Hasler, C-A. (2012) Holothurid driven carbonate dissolution in a coastal environment (Toliara, SW Madagascar). 16th Geology Conference, Gerace Research Center, San Salvador Island, Bahamas. (Poster)

2. Vaucher, R., Hasler, C-A., Plotieau, T., Eeckhaut, I., (2012) Biological impacts of Holothurids on carbonate sediments. 20th Swiss Sed Meeting, Fribourg, Switzerland. (Poster)

1. Vaucher, R., Plotieau, T., Eeckhaut, I., Hasler, C-A. (2011) Impact of Holothurids on carbonate sediments. Swiss Geoscience Meeting Master Congress, Zurich,  Switzerland. (Poster)

Picture: Sanetschpass, Valais, Switzerland © Romain Vaucher