through pictures and videos

in gwangju with 호영누나

exploring yeosu!

in seoul with tevin!

tevin & language exchange friends!

my day with hyunju & minju noona!

with taegyeong!

Throughout my trip, I was able to eat so many delicious foods. My only regret is that I didn't take more pictures and videos of the meals. This is one of the videos that I didn't forget to take. It was legitimately one of the most delicious meals I have ever had. I don't remember the name (if you do, let me know) but I really loved it. If only I could go back.

Unfortunately, this Google Site platform won't let me embed this video so please use the button above to view it.


with seungu and seongmi!

the days with phoebe

with sanghyun and the boys

a day with Dr. Renner

a tour of my Airbnb!

This was a video I sent to my family so it's in Spanish. I provided subtitles in English!

as seen on my instagram

No matter how I took them or how many I took, pictures and videos pale in comparison to how cool and beautiful everything was. I find myself frequently going back to them though because it's an easy way to relive those 22 days.

juggling but in korean

This was the first time I met new people. Hoyoung noona was very kind to introduce me to her friends. I wanted to make a good impression and wanted to befriend them as soon as possible because I knew I only had a couple of hours with them. So, I pulled out my best trick: juggling. I think it worked!