personal thank-you messages

As I prepared for this Independent Study, during my stay in Korea, and even after I arrived back home, there was always plenty of people by my side that helped make this experience as special and unique as it was. Although I tried my best to show how thankful I was in person, I felt that it wasn't enough. So I've decided to prepare this page to better express my thankfulness.

And just in case you wanted to cry a little, (I cried just a little while typing these), I've prepared this sad heartbreak song. Maybe not tears of sadness. Instead maybe some tears because we acknowledge how important these moments are to us. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

All jokes aside, thank you.

These messages are arranged in chronological order of me meeting them. Other than that, simply no other meaning to the arrangement.

Dr. Spears, Brooke, and the CGE were key players for this Independent Study to take place. Normally, a study abroad session is impossible because of my tight ROAR Orientation and ResLife schedule. Despite this, you worked with me 1on1 to make this happen and I am beyond grateful. Everything that I have experience and learned about was only possible because you and the CGE were ready to support me. Our students at CSU are lucky to have such a dedicated team. Thank you.

To the ROAR Orientation Team -- thank you for your patience! During the entirety of this trip, the other two Head Leaders as well as our GA and Pro Staff continued working arduously to prepare a great orientation experience for the incoming class. Because I know our team is dedicated to our goal, I couldn't help but wonder every once in a while how much I was missing out on because of my absence. I just wanted to say that I'm so thankful to have such a hard working team and that I was very touched to receive such a warm going-away gift! I'll leave the decorations on my desk as long as possible. I'm ready to come back and give my 100%! In fact, because this is my last year as a Head Leader, I will give 200%! So I hope you haven't missed me too much. Lol. Let's look forward to an awesome summer!

¡Mi familia bella! ¡Los he extrañado un montón! Le doy muchas gracias a Dios que me ha bendecido con una familia que me apoye en todo lo que hago -- mis estudios, en mi vida personal, y en todas mis locuras. Desde el principio mi papá y mamá me han brindado la fuerza para seguir adelante y mis hermanitos la inspiración de ser un modelo a seguir. Aun en este momento, recuerdo todo lo que me han enseñado. Todas las lecciones. Todas las memorias. Si le pudiera pedir a Dios un súper poder, le pediría poder multiplicarme para poder pasar más tiempo con ustedes y al mismo tiempo seguir estudiando y trabajando. Pero no es posible. En esta vida hay que tomar sacrificios. Por eso, ahora entiendo lo que les ha costa para cuidarme, mis padres. ¡Por todo lo que han hecho y sacrificado por mí, unos de mis sueños es trabajar y estudiar arduamente como para poder apoyarlos ustedes también! No se preocupen que yo haré todo lo posible para realizar esta meta. Aunque me tome mil años -- seguiré trabajando arduamente para mostrarles. Los amo.

A very special thank you to 호영누나! 사실은 저는 이 여행 처음 준비했을때 호영누나 정말 만나고 싶었어요. When I first started to plan this trip, I really wanted to meet you. It was without a doubt a priority. I was lucky to become your friend while you studied at CSU and even more thankful that you have become a friend that I trust deeply. Because you let me crash at your place during my visit and because you introduced me to your friends, I was able to make some core memories. All of them were so awesome! I can't wait for the day all of us can meet again. During this trip, I was able to reconfirm that our friendship is so solid. 전 이미 보고싶어요 누나!ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 다음에 또 같이 놀아요! In the meantime, I will look at all of the pictures of us so that I don't miss you as much. Thank you.

Hoyoung's Friends -- thank you so much for an awesome time! Whether it was at 호영누나's apartment, in the Libertine, or in 여수, we were able to have so many fun moments. It means a lot that you all welcomed me with open arms with only Hoyoung's words to trust. Even if I was a stranger in the beginning, you all gave me a chance to become the friends we are! I was so happy. The only sad part of that night was when we all returned from the Libertine. It hit me then that the night was over and that the goodbyes would be coming soon. Even so, please know that you all can always count on me! 제가 한국에 들어가면, 알려줄게요! 아니면, 너희들 미국에 오면, 알려주세요! I will look forward to the next time we all meet for another House Party!

현주! I don't know how to express how thankful I am that you introduced me to 민주누나! Like Minju, I am also very extroverted and enjoy talking. So I can't help but think that sometimes we were draining your battery. Even so, every moment was great and so special. I still remember the first day we met in Clearview Hall! Little did I know that you would become a very important friend to me. I hope that you can continue counting on my friendship for a long long time! I'll see you soon at CSU!

민주누나 -- when Hyunju first told me that I would have the chance to meet you, I was so happy. She had mentioned that, like me, you were a person that enjoyed talking and had lots of energy. I think we wore out Hyunju a bit when we talked a lot. Hahaha. Even so, I'm very thankful for the meal you treated me to. 맛있었어요! Also, thank you for preparing a gift for my 여동생들!! I'll share it with them as soon as I get home! And thank you for my Airpod case! Every time that I listen to music, I will be reminded of how awesome you are! 정말 즐거웠어요 누나 그래서 다음에 다시 만날래요? Until then, I'll look forward for next time! 아 ~~~ 그리고 현주 땜에 걱정하지마세요! 현주가 필요한 것 있으면, 제가 도와줄게요. :) Okay! Until next time!

휸씨 -- thank you for making time for me! I really enjoyed my time with you! Also, thank you for introducing your friends to me! I know it must have been difficult introducing a stranger to your friends. Please let them know that they were so great! Even today, I looked through the pictures we all took at the 인생네컷! Let's be bros for a long time! Next time, when you come to the US, I'll show you the best places! 연락해주세요!

Tevin -- when Derrick told me about you, I knew I had to meet you! And when I found you on Instagram by mistake, I knew that it was more fated than I had previously thought! Hahaha. I figured that because you were Derrick's friend, that you would be very cool! You did not disappoint. Thank you so much for introducing me to your language exchange group! I learned so much Korean slang. Actually, I've been using the slang more recently and have been able to briefly trick native speakers into believing I speak Korean fluently. Hahahaha. They find out that I don't shortly after. But seriously -- thank for introducing them to me. And also, thank you for hanging out with me in Seoul! I was able to visit so many people that I had only read about online thanks to you. You're awesome, bro! Let's hang out again soon.

태경아! Even if we were only able to meet for one day and for a couple of hours, I am so thankful! Can you believe that before we met, we had only talked via Zoom?! When I first saw you waiting by the 독립문 exit, I knew that you were definitely the person I had talked with via Zoom those many months ago. Thank you for choosing to meet me. Also, the meal we shared was one of my favorites! What was it called? 까먹었어ㅠㅠㅠㅠ At least I still have the picture! I'm glad that both of us were able to go to the 널담 café! Not only was it delicious but we were able to write letters to our future self! I will wait patiently for that day. Until then, count on me for anything!

성미 -- 사실 나 좀 걱정했어! I worried that I wasn't able to meet you. Both of our schedules seemed to be a bit busy and then they would change last minute. Fortunately, we were able to find a day. Even if it was last minute, it has become one of my most memorable nights. Everything from eating to going to the karaoke to trying new drinks was so much fun because of you and my bro. We will see each other in CSU in a couple of weeks, however, I think I should still let you know that I am so thankful for your friendship! To be honest, my interest in learning Korean would not be the same if I hadn't met you. You were one of my first Korean friends! 그래서! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 진심으로 고마워 성미야!

승우 -- bro... thank you! As we met, I couldn't help but think that we wouldn't see each other for two years. When your mandatory military service ends, 그땐 만나자!! As a token of my thankfulness, I'll buy all of our meals and drinks! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Even so, this isn't enough to express how thankful I am, bro! The day we met with Seongmi was so much fun but the day we went to 홍대 together was also equally fun! Thanks for taking me to all of those cool places you know of ;) hahahaha. I'll see you in two years!

Dr. Renner!!! There are simply not enough words. To be honest, I was so relieved to hear that you would be in Korea this summer. I knew that there would always someone that I could count on. I wasn't wrong. Thank you for always keeping an eye out for me! Thank you for updating me regarding COVID policies. Also, I was so happy to finally see the 경복궁 palace! The pictures I took do not do it justice. I hope to return soon! Also, thanks for taking me to the 광장시장. I think I was able to see a very GENUINE part of Korea that most tourists wouldn't be able to see. Thank you and I'll see you when you get back!

Kate -- we weren't expecting this, were we? I wasn't for sure but your sudden return to Korea resulted in one of the most memorable adventures. Thank you! Thanks to you, I was able to meet Korean parents for the first time! To be honest, there was a little bit of nervousness in me when you told me that 어머님 had invited me to stay at your house. 감동 받았어! But also, I wanted to show my best side to your parents despite the language barrier. I figured that if their daughter was nice and kind and cool, that your parents would also be like that. I wasn't wrong. Your mom was just the nicest and kindest person to me. It meant a lot. Your father was also really cool! I had to really really focus when he talked using 사투리/Korean dialect! It was so much fun hahaha. Please let him know that he can call me Roli if he wants! Also, to better express my thankfulness to 어머님, I wrote her a thank you message below using my best Korean skills, the help of Papago, and the advice of a friend. Please help me convey my thankfulness. :)


어머님!! -- 저는 아직 한국어를 말할 자신이 없지만, 제가 정말 감사하다는 것을 이해해주실 수 있도록 이 언어로 감사의 마음을 전하고 싶었습니다. 특히 낯선 사람일지라도 저를 엄어님의 집에 반겨주시고, 맛있는 음식도 많이 대접해주셔서 정말 감사드려요. 명빈이랑 친구지만 그래도 고민 많이 하셨을 것 같아요. 명빈이가 미국에 있을때 걱정하지마세요! 명빈이 필요한 게 있으면 제가 열심히 도와드릴게요. 정말 감사했습니다!

Hanna! -- Wow! It was such a blast getting to know you. 명빈이 is a friend that I really care for and when she told me she had invited her own friend, I was so excited! Little did I know (but should've expected) that her friend would also be equally awesome. Everything from eating to wearing the 한복 to singing at our 집노래방 was so much fun because of you. It brings me happiness to think that you'll return to Florida at some point because it means that there's a chance that all three of us can hang out again one day.


Phoebe -- meeting me was a bit weird, right? 어색했지? We had only talked through a language learning app after all! Surely a part of you was wondering if we should meet at all. I'm glad we made the choice to meet! 날 만나줘서 고마워! 엄정 재밌었어! Can you imagine if either of us had said no? Or if our schedules didn't work? Thinking about it makes me even more thankful for you! Even if it was only for a day or two, I think our experiences at the VR shop, at 나이티지, at 이태원, watching horror movies, and everything else made us become closer! When we met, you had briefly mentioned that you were planning on studying in America! If that happens, 알려줘! 다시 만나자 윤경아!

다인아!!! 나 너 겁나 보고싶었어!! 매일 매일 카톡으로 메시지 보내줬서 고마워! Dain! I've missed you so much. Thank you for sending me messages via KakaoTalk every day! They really helped me feel more comfortable while exploring this beautiful country. To be honest, there was always a level of anxiety because it was my first time traveling. Being able to message you, despite the 13 hour time difference, really gave me a sense of normalcy! Thank you also for helping me prepare my Google Sheet timeline so that I could maximize the amount of memories I could make in just 22 days! You're awesome! 곧 봐 다인나! Let's hang out when I return!

To everyone else that wasn't mentioned by name -- thank you. A lot of you helped me with advice and in many other ways. Even as I sit here in my dorm in Columbus, GA, I wonder if all of the trip was nothing more than my imagination. Even if it was, I'm thankful. I think I was able to learn a lot about Korea's culture and language, but also a lot about myself. I've returned to the U.S. with more motivation than ever to become someone better. I hope that all of these lessons and new experiences allow me to return soon! Thank you all.