
                                                                               Teaching at PUC-Rio

                                                                             Previous teaching experience

Teaching at Texas A&M:

-Fall 2022- Math 304  Linear Algebra.

-Spring 2022- Math 409 Advanced Calculus I. 

-Fall 2021- Math 323 (Linear algebra for math majors) & Math 311

-Spring 2021- Math 304 Linear algebra

 -Fall 2020- Math 311 Topics in applied mathematics I 

Teaching at Michigan State University:

-During the 2018-2019 academic year I have been a lead T.A. for the center of instructional mentoring at MSU . The goal was to give teaching support to graduate and undergraduate students  during their first teaching experiences. The program consisted of teaching observations with detailed feedback provided afterwards, group and individual meetings and leading grading sections. 

Spring 2018 MTH 132  Calculus I

Fall 2018 MTH 132  Calculus I

Fall 2017 MTH 299 Transitions/ Introduction to Proofs (Teaching Assistant)

Spring 2017 MTH 124 Survey of Calculus

Fall 2016 MTH 124 Survey of Calculus

Summer 2016 MTH 103  College Algebra 
