

 ⚽ Floquet isospectrality of the zero potential for discrete periodic Schrödinger operators.    

(Joint work with M. Faust, W. Liu, J. Plute, J. Robinson,  Y. Tao, E. Tran and C. Zhuang.)

J. Math.Phys. 65, 073501 (2024) 

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Algebraic Properties of the Fermi Variety for Periodic Graph Operators.  (joint with Jake Fillman and Wencai Liu).

 J. Funct. Anal. 286 (2024), no. 4, Paper No. 110286

     arXiv link         Journal link 

Spectral and Dynamical Contrast on Highly Correlated Anderson-Type models  (Joint  with Rajinder Mavi and Jeffrey Schenker).

Ann Henri Poincaré 25, 1445–1483 (2024)

4arXiv link    Journal link

  On the Localization Regime of Certain Random Operators within Hartree-Fock Theory.

J. Math.Phys. 64, 113101 (2023).

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Irreducibility of the Bloch variety for finite-range Schrödinger Operators. (joint with Jake Fillman and Wencai Liu).

J. Funct Anal. 283 (2022), no.10, Paper No. 109670.

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Localization and IDS regularity for the Hubbard model within the Hartree-Fock Theory. (Joint with Jeffrey Schenker).

  Communications in Mathematical Physics. 382, 1725–1768 (2021)  . DOI 10.1007/s00220-020-03933-8    

 arXiv link      Journal link

⚽ Spectrum of the Laplacian on graphs of radial functions. (Joint with Fabio Montenegro)

Involve, a Journal of Mathematics, v. 10, p. 677-690, 2017

 arXiv link      Journal Link