

Bridging the gap: Mismatch Effects and Catch-Up Dynamics in a Brazilian College Affirmative Action. Economics of Education Review. (2024). Joint with Alei Santos and Edson Severnini.   [NBER WP version] [Vox Dev Blog]

Do disadvantaged students benefit from attending classes with more skilled colleagues? Evidence from a top university in Brazil. Labour Economics. (2023). Joint with Alei Santos and Henrique Motté [WP version] 

Brazilian Southeast-North Labor Income Gap Reexamined: Evidence Across Purchasing Power Adjusted Wage Distributions. Regional Studies. (2021).  Joint with Raul Silveira Neto (UFPE) [WP

Commute duration and health: Empirical evidence from Brazil. Transportation Research Part A - Policy and Practice. (2015). Joint with Klebson Moura, Jorge Norões, Breno Sampaio and Robson Tigre. 


Expansão da escolaridade e redução da desigualdade regional de renda no Brasil entre 1995 e 2011 : progressos recentes e desafios presentes. Pesquisa e Planejamento Econômico - IPEA. (Link)

Estrutura produtiva ou escolaridade? Uma análise dos fatores explicativos da desigualdade de renda entre as regiões Sudeste e Nordeste por quantil para o período entre os anos de 1970 e 2010. REN-BNB. 2016. Joint with Raul Silveira Neto (PIMES-UFPE). (Link)

Escolaridade,Políticas Sociais e a Evolução da Desigualdade Regional de Renda no Brasil entre 2003 e 2011: uma Análise a partir da Fontes de Renda. Revista Econômica do Nordeste. 2015. Joint with Raul Silveira Neto (PIMES-UFPE). (Link)

PUBLICATIONS in epidemiology journals:

Evaluating the health effect of a Social Housing program, Minha Casa Minha Vida, using the 100 million Brazilian Cohort: a natural experiment study protocol. BMJ Open, v. 11, p. e041722, (2021). Joint with Ferreira et al.

Efeitos das aposentadorias por tempo de contribuicao e por idade sobre a saude e o bem estar dos individuos no Brasil. Cadernos de Saude Publica. 2021. Joint with Rachel Coelho (UFBA). (Link).


The next three publications are outputs of one project financed by the IFAD-Brazil in which I was the Principal Investigator:


Natural resources and economic growth: an analysis of the municipalities located at the state of Bahia, Brazil 

The mitigating role of tax and benefit rescue packages for poverty and inequality in Africa amid the COVID-19 pandemic

(Joint with Jesse Lastunen (UNU-WIDER), Pia Rattenhuber (UNU-WIDER) and others.  In preparation for submission) 

The role of social protection and tax policies in cushioning crisis impacts on income and poverty in low- and middle-income countries: a rapid scoping review 

(joint with Pia Ratenhuber, Jesse Lastunen, Melissa Samarin, and Adnan Shahir)