
Recalls on the basic aspects of soil mechanics. Recalls on geotechnical characterization from in situ and laboratory investigations. Definition of the geotechnical model.

Rock mechanics:

Description of rock masses and joints. Methods of site investigation of rock masses. Laboratory investigations on intact rock and joints. Geotechnical characterization of a rock mass and quality classes. Strength criteria for intact rock and rock mass. Tensions, deformations and mechanical behaviour of rock materials. The stability of soil and rock slopes. The planar sliding in rock and along intersection of joints. Tipping in rocks: the limit equilibrium methods for bending over blocks. Basic notes about rock avalanches. Numerical methods for rock slope stability analysis and application cases.

Slope stability:

General characteristics of natural and artificial slopes made by soil and rock. Stability analysis: definition of the safety factor. Infinitely extended slope. The stability of an excavation face and calculation of the safety factor of a clay slope. Theory of limit equilibrium methods. Methods of slices: general formulation. Methods of Fellenius, Bishop, Janbu, Spencer, Morgenstern & Price. Comparison between different methods of slices. Stability analysis under seismic conditions and pseudo-static method. Regulation references on slope stability analysis.

Case study: Stability analysis of a slope based on limit equilibrium methods using the SLIDE (Rocscience) calculation code.

Case study: Stability analysis of a slope based on FE methods, using the RS2 (Rocscience) calculation code.

Analysis of the regime of interstitial pressures in natural slopes. Filtration patterns on natural and artificial slopes. Application of the finite element method to filtration problems: examples of application on natural slopes and river banks.

Slope stabilization works:

Basic concepts on earth pressure (active and passive failure conditions). Slope stabilization interventions: general intervention and design criteria. Criteria for design and verification of retaining walls and sheet piles. Piles for slope stabilization. Criteria for design and verification of anchoring tie-rods. Stabilization through the use of geotextiles, reinforced soil and drainage works. Examples of real cases.

Seminar activities:

Shallow landslide movements induced by rainfall. Trigger risk assessment approaches. Numerical analysis of the safety factor as the rainfall diagram changes. Multi-scale stability analysis: from slope scale to regional scale. Real-time monitoring platforms.

The course consists of a series of lectures and numerical exercises in a computer lab.

The lessons are carried out using presentations in Power Point. A copy of the presentations used is available on the Elly platform from the

beginning of the course. The teaching material on Elly is however updated weekly by the teacher. The course slides on Elly are considered

an integral part of the reference bibliography.

The exercises are presented in the classroom and carried out numerically.

Should it be necessary to conduct the distance learning activities, the lessons will be held in telepresence through the use of the Teams and Elly platforms. In particular, lessons will be carried out in synchronous mode (via Teams) with direct participation of the students, and also asynchronous (slides and recorded lessons, uploaded on the Elly page of the course). During the lessons in synchronous mode (direct), there will be alternating mainly frontal and interactive moments with the students. To promote active participation in the course, various activities (exercises) will be proposed both individually and in small groups, through the use of the resources present in Elly, such as discussion forums and logbooks.

The numerical exercises will be carried out independently by each student, through the use of a personal version of the necessary software. The exercises will then be shared and discussed during the lesson in synchronous mode.

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Traditionally, regional assessment of seismic slope stability has been done using the infinite slope-rigid sliding block analysis. A major disadvantage of this approach is the resulting overestimation of the critical acceleration of the slope due to the underlying assumption of a predefined slope failure plane, and consequently the underestimation of hazard areas prone to sliding. In this paper, we present a modified approach for assessing seismic slope instabilities using a model based on limit equilibrium analysis and circular slip surfaces with no restriction to any predefined slope failure plane. For this purpose, we conduct a parametric study to identify the relationship between the critical acceleration of the slope, the slope angle, and the slope shear strength parameters. We model typical slopes in the Rocscience software SLIDE using Bishop's limit equilibrium method to identify the critical accelerations that corresponds to a failure plane with factor of safety equal to one. The critical accelerations were plotted against the variables in the parametric study and the best fit equations were obtained. The proposed approach was developed for global application but it was tested using the well-documented co-seismic landslide database of the 1994 Northridge, CA earthquake. The predicted sliding areas were compared to the inventory of landslides that were triggered in the Val Verde region in Los Angeles by the earthquake. Qualitative and quantitative assessments of the proposed model clearly show its advantages in predicting potential sliding areas. 17dc91bb1f

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