Industrial Invited Talk & Panel

  • Time: 13:30-16:20 , October 3 (Thursday), 2019 (Day 1)
  • Location: Dr. Wan-Rone Liou Memorial Auditorium, Elytone Building for Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Industrial Invited Talk (90 minutes)
    • Time: 13:30-15:00, October 3 (Thursday), 2019
    • Chair: Dr. Yu Tsao, Associate Research Fellow, The Research Center for Information Technology Innovation (CITI), Academia Sinica
  • Coffee Break (20 minutes)
    • Time: 15:00-15:20, October 3 (Thursday), 2019
  • Panel (60 minutes)
    • Time: 15:20-16:20, October 3 (Thursday), 2019
    • Moderators:
      • Dr. Hsin-Min Wang, Research Fellow, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica
      • Dr. Yu Tsao, Associate Research Fellow, The Research Center for Information Technology Innovation (CITI), Academia Sinica


  • Title: Knowledge Graph(KG) based NLP/XAI Framework
  • Speaker: 龐台銘 (Tai-Ming Parng), Manager, NLU team of ASUS Intelligent Cloud Service Business Unit
  • Abstract: The talk will introduce our project on a Knowledge-Graph (KG) based NLP/XAI Framework. The project goal is to address the shallow understanding and not-explainable issues of most current end-to-end systems by using Knowledge Graph as intermediate meaning representation to achieve Deep Natural Language Understanding (Deep NLU) and Explainable AI (XAI).


  • Title: 語音互動,「喚」醒未來
  • Speaker: 沈品勳 (Seff Shen), 經理, 出門問問, AI商務發展
  • Abstract:
    1. 出門問問的AI發展
    2. IoT如何透過語音突破僵局
    3. 企業如何應用語音創造價值
    4. 語音未來商機與展望


  • Title: 語音處理之應用市場分析暨技術探討
  • Speaker: 白博仁, 富迪科技
  • Abstract: 分析語音介面需求成長之重要應用市場,並討論部分語音處理相關技術


  • Title: 語音技術塑造新型態消費性電子裝置
  • Speaker: 李少勛 (Shawn Lee), 協理, 瑞昱半導體
  • Abstract:
    1. 瑞昱半導體背景介紹、產品應用
    2. 智慧生活結合語音技術
    3. 語音技術發展課題於消費性裝置
    4. 晶片開發趨勢對應語音應用需求


  • Title: 未來媒體的初步想像及雛形展示
  • Speaker: 何銘傑, 總經理, 聯經數位
  • Abstract:
    1. 虛擬主播雛型
    2. 新聞對話機器人概念
    3. 自然語言處理應用概況


  • Title: 語音合成於Social Bot智能玩具之應用發展
  • Speaker: 鄧廣豐 博士, 資策會, 研發經理
  • Abstract: 針對目前智能陪伴機器人所研發之性格語音模擬及情緒聲調技術進行介紹