Call for Papers


Computational Linguistics

  • Cognitive/Psychological linguistics
  • Computational semantics
  • Computational pragmatics
  • Computational morphology
  • Computational phonology
  • Discourse processing
  • Dialogue system
  • Natural language generation
  • Syntax and parsing
  • Word segmentation / POS tagging / Chunking

Information Understanding

  • Information extraction and database linking
  • Information retrieval
  • Language learning
  • Machine translation/ Multi-lingual systems
  • Named entity recognition
  • NLP tools/resources
  • Opinion mining and sentiment analysis
  • Question answering
  • emantic processing
  • Summarization
  • Textual Entailment
  • Applications/software/ Tools

Speech Processing

  • Spoken language processing
  • Speech analysis
  • Speech understanding
  • Speech synthesis/conversion
  • Speech/speaker/language recognition
  • Speech based affective computing
  • Speech summarization
  • Speech enhancement
  • Speech coding
  • Text-to-speech


  • Paper Submission Due: July 24, 2019
  • Notification of Acceptance: August 23, 2019


Each submission will be reviewed based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and relevance to the conference. Accepted papers will be presented orally or as poster presentations. Both oral and poster presentations will be published in the ROCLING 2019 conference proceedings and included in the ACL Anthology. A number of papers will be selected and invited for extension into journal versions and publication in a special issue of the International Journal of Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing (IJCLCLP).