
Funds raised by the PTO are used to continue providing field trips for classrooms, offering reimbursement for staff members for classroom purchases, providing dinners for Staff during Parent/Teacher conferences, providing FUN events for students and families throughout the year (such as Artist in Residence, Rockin' Readers prizes and awards, scholarships for past Rockwell Students, Rockwell Carnival, food nights, etc) and supporting the overall growth of Rockwell! 

As always, your PTO charitable donations are tax deductible.  

rockwell Staff Sunshine Cart

The Rockwell Staff Sunshine Cart was created in 2020 as a way to "Spread Sunshine" throughout the day to Rockwell Staff by means of grabbing a quick snack between classes.  The idea flourished and we've been stocking the cart ever since.  Monetary donations are always accepted (see the link to donate online) as we strive to restock the cart every other month. 

Thank YOU for helping spread a "Ray of Sunshine" to our staff at Rockwell!

Donate Here for

Sunshine Cart Donation

free will donation

Donate By Mail

To make a donation by mail, please send your check to 

Rockwell Roadrunners PTO, Inc. 

6370 S 140th Ave

Omaha, NE 68137