Hi, this may or may not be the right place. I'm making my own fuel tanks for use in RSS, just for fun really, but I'm trying to work out the math behind it. So I have it set up in 2 stages, both LH2/LOX fueled, at a 6:1 mixture ratio. I'm assuming 95% of the volume in each stage is available volume for fuel, which is sort of a guess. I'm using 381s ASL, 455s VAC isp.

So each tank is a 6' radius cylinder. Stage 1 is 140' height, stage 2 is 40' height. I figured out volumes etc, and worked all of this out in Excel, I just want a math check to see if I'm doing this right.

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I remember that when I was in third grade in public school (way back in 1980), I memorized math facts. My family had moved to Iowa from Oklahoma halfway through the fall semester, and the new school had a room at the end of the hall with a dinosaur of a computer (cutting edge back then) that we took turns using to play a math facts program.

It was a very simple timed flash card type program on a green screen. When we passed each level, the computer would print out a nifty certificate that I, for one, was very proud of. I think I still have some of those certificates. We spent all year memorizing math facts, and it was quite a competition among us more motivated students to see who could earn the certificates faster.

Later, I homeschooled a fifth grade boy that had been expelled and needed help. I realized right off the bat that the reason he was frustrated to the point of anger with school was that he was trying to do long division with no real knowledge of any of his math facts. Plus, he had been making good grades in math until that year. It is very frustrating to a child to make them go back and learn something they should have learned in second or third grade.

It seems that in most math classes today, students are taught math facts but never made to memorize them to a level of automaticity. Once they are taught (even if they are not truly learned), the teacher must move on in order to keep up with her scope and sequence.

Thanks your comment. We just got Life of Fred and started it this week to go with Rocket Math! I love Fred already! I know we will feel very accomplished and fly through math once we have our math facts memorized to automaticity! It is worth all the practice.

There is a growing group of homeschoolers who think that conceptual and discovery math is the best and only way to teach it. This alarms me. I thought that homeschoolers were going to be our sensible mathematics stronghold! I just retired from teaching elementary school and I have to say that the public schools jumped on that bandwagon about 20 years ago and now look at their messed up math.

To prepare for Math in mid-term, I also use flashcard to remember all things. I agree with you that flashcards are a god-send but sometimes are very annoying to make by hand, as they take a bit of time and resources. Virtual flashcard is more useful and convenient, such as Superflashcard at: !category/2712484/maths-course-subjects-flashcards/

I am thrilled that you posted this! I believe that it is very important to learn the basic math facts. After you can add it is more simple to multiply. After you can subtract it is easier to divide. Without the basics to build on, you do not have a foundation. I plan to teach both of my children memorization of their math facts. I would love to know if you know of any computer based games that offer timed drills.

If you want it to be fun I would suggest Math Blaster (for all operations) and Times Attacks for multiplication. Scholastic also has a fun computer math game. I have also stuck sticky notes with answers all over the walls and given him a nerf gun and then called out problems, then he would try to shoot the answer. Anything to make it fun and memorable.

On the bright side, a study published in the Journal of Neuroscience (2013), proved that when solving simple arithmetic problems, students who rely on memory rather than problem-solving do better on more complex mathematical problems, such as those found on the PSAT.

The Rocket City Math League is a free, international, math contest that is open to all middle, high school, and two-year college students enrolled in pre-algebra through precalculus and above math courses.

For the Spring Individual Competitions: To compete in the Discovery Level, students must be currently enrolled in that level's mathematics requirement or higher. For all other levels, students must be currently enrolled in or have completed the mathematics course at that level and cannot be enrolled in or have completed a higher-level mathematics course. In order to be eligible for awards, students may compete in only one level:

Humans have been experimenting with rockets and the concepts involved in rocket flight for nearly 1,000 years. Modern rocket pioneers created what was the stuff of science fiction only 100 years ago: rocket-propelled devices that could explore land, sea, air and space. With the application of advanced scientific and engineering principles, rockets graduated from novelties to serious devices for commerce, war, travel and research.

However, teachers are not taught methods to help students memorize facts. Math textbooks also do not help students to succeed in developing math fact fluency, and administrators lack a tool to develop math fact fluency in their schools that is both effective and can be managed.

After switching roles, students practice again, and then each student takes a one-minute test on the facts learned on that worksheet. Each A-to-Z worksheet adds four facts to learn. Students move on to learn the four facts on the next level when their one-minute test shows they can write answers to the math facts learned so far as fast as they can write. Students color in the level on the Rocket Chart from which the company got its name as they progress up the chart. The worksheets accumulate the facts as students move up from Level A to Z.

The Online Game teaches the same facts, but a computer, tablet, or phone is the partner. Any errors or hesitations are given a specially designed correction procedure. Each A-to-Z level has three phases which students practice until they demonstrate mastery before moving on to the next level. As students progress, the game provides encouragement and praise in a fun way. There is a Rocket Chart on which students keep track of their success. Students are motivated by graphically seeing their success and recognizing they are learning useful information that will help them in math.

Rocket Math is a fun supplemental math facts practice curriculum for students in grades Kindergarten through 5th Grade. Rocket Math enables students to learn just two facts and their reverses at a time, practice them until they are memorized, and combine them with all the facts they have learned in an operation in cumulative review. Students love this alternative way of approaching the task of basic math fact practice with the Rocket Math app.

In Rocket Math, you build your own rockets from the ground up. As you build a rocket, you have to earn money for parts by doing math problems. There are over 90 colorful pieces and parts from which you can build your own unique rocket. Once your rocket is complete, you can put it on the launch pad and blast off into space. Tilting the device steers your rocket and a slider controls the thrust.

You can also choose a mission based on one of these difficulty levels: beginner, novice, intermediate, advanced, expert and genius. Excellent scores can earn a bronze, silver or gold medal. The game remembers your previous high score, so you can compete against yourself. Since the missions range in difficulty from even/odd numbers all the way to square roots, the whole family will enjoy hours of fun while learning math.

Even those who suffer from a serious math aversion will appreciate the approach of this book. It presents outrageous stories which can be solved by math. It was the step-by-step explanations that helped me understand some principles that had left me in the dark for what has been a long, long time.

A recent report released by the Center on Educational Policy (opens in a new window) reports that since No Child Left Behind (opens in a new window) was put into effect six years ago, instructional time for almost everything other than reading and math has declined significantly.

The exploitation of rocket guidance technology on the basis of the guidance law of Space Shuttle and Pegasus rocket was performed. A new efficient method of numerical iteration solution to the boundary value problem was put forward. The numerical simulation results have shown that the method features good performances of stability, robustness, high precision, and algebraic formulas in real computation. By virtue of modern DSP ( digital signal processor) high speed chip technology, the algorithm can be used in real time and can adapt to the requirements of the big primary bias of rocket guidance.

They arent rocket scientists, but the education majors who launched rockets last week at the West Virginia University agronomy farm may one day propel their students to follow in the footsteps of Homer Hickam ofRocket Boysfame.

The students in Eric PylesThis IS Rocket Sciencesummer course have been designing and building rockets to gain a hands-on understanding of basic mathematical and scientific principles. Their efforts culminated in the launching of the rockets Monday (June 16), Wednesday (June 18) and Friday (June 20).

Some of these students are math and science teachers, and others will be teachers in the near future,said Pyle, an associate professor of science education in the College of Human Resources and Education.The purpose of this course is to show these practicing and aspiring teachers how to make math and science more interesting and more engaging, yet safe.

The crude rockets launched Wednesday afternoon consisted of cardboard tube bodies, balsa wood fins and plastic cone noses. Model rocket engine motors (small cartridges of black powder) served as fuel, and mini parachutes packed inside made for an easier landing. Studentsdesigns were tested in simulated flight on a computer prior to construction, ensuring they were stable and safe. e24fc04721

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