I have a project with git, and I just want to clone or pull a specific directory, like myproject/javascript just like subversion does. 

 make some changes, commit and push back again. 

It's possible?

In such a case, it's just as easy to make a clone of a repository and checkout the specific commit that you are interested in and have a look at the subdirectory in that cloned repository. Because everything is local you can just delete this clone when you are done.

Download Specific Directory From Github

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Original (manual) approach: Checking out an individual directory is not supported by git natively, but Github can do this via SVN. If you checkout your code with subversion, Github will essentially convert the repo from git to subversion on the backend, then serve up the requested directory.

If you truly just want to just "download" the folder and not "clone" it (for development), the easiest way to simply get a copy of the most recent version of the repository (and therefore a folder/file within it), without needing to clone the whole repo or even install git in the first place, is to download a zip archive (for any repo, fork, branch, commit, etc.) by going to the desired repository/fork/branch/commit on GitHub (e.g. http(s)://github.com///commit/ for a copy of the files as they were after a specific commit) and selecting the Downloads button near the upper-right.

The name for workflow runs generated from the workflow. GitHub displays the workflow run name in the list of workflow runs on your repository's "Actions" tab. If run-name is omitted or is only whitespace, then the run name is set to event-specific information for the workflow run. For example, for a workflow triggered by a push or pull_request event, it is set as the commit message.

If you build the group name with a property that is only defined for specific events, you can use a fallback value. For example, github.head_ref is only defined on pull_request events. If your workflow responds to other events in addition to pull_request events, you will need to provide a fallback to avoid a syntax error. The following concurrency group cancels in-progress jobs or runs on pull_request events only; if github.head_ref is undefined, the concurrency group will fallback to the run ID, which is guaranteed to be both unique and defined for the run.

The path is relative (./) to the default working directory (github.workspace, $GITHUB_WORKSPACE). If the action checks out the repository to a location different than the workflow, the relative path used for local actions must be updated.

I am working on a current project where the Backend and the Frontend of the application are on the same repository of Github. That's why I faced a situation to run the Github Actions jobs for my React app from a specific directory. And, I find a quick solution to it.

To download a folder from GitHub, navigate to your desired repository, select the folder you want to download from GitHub, copy the URL, navigate to -directory.github.io/ and paste the URL into the text box, and hit enter.

Do you need to download a folder from GitHub? GitHub doesn't give you the option to download a specific folder directly, but you can still easily do so using a third-party tool. GitHub does allow you to download an entire repository through the website, as well as clone a repository to your computer using GitHub Desktop. This wikiHow teaches you 3 ways to save GitHub folders and repositories to your computer.

The git rm command, along with the --cached option, deletes the file from the repository but does not delete the actual file. This means the file remains on your local system and in your working directory as an ignored file.

First, a quick review: Git uses a series of configuration files to determine non-default behavior that you may want. The first place Git looks for these values is in the system-wide /etc/gitconfig file, which contains settings that are applied to every user on the system and all of their repositories. If you pass the option --system to git config, it reads and writes from this file specifically.

If a galaxy.yml or MANIFEST.json file exists in one or more directories in the repository path (one level deep), Ansible installs each directory with a metadata file as a collection. For example, Ansible installs both collection1 and collection2 from this repository structure by default:

If you have a different repository structure or only want to install a subset of collections, you can add a fragment to the end of your URI (before the optional comma-separated version) to indicate the location of the metadata file or files. The path should be a directory, not the metadata file itself. For example, to install only collection2 from the example repository with two collections:

You can also define personal ignore patterns for a particular repository in a special file at .git/info/exclude. These are not versioned, and not distributed with your repository, so it's an appropriate place to include patterns that will likely only benefit you. For example if you have a custom logging setup, or special development tools that produce files in your repository's working directory, you could consider adding them to .git/info/exclude to prevent them from being accidentally committed to your repository.

If you want to ignore a file that you've committed in the past, you'll need to delete the file from your repository and then add a .gitignore rule for it. Using the --cached option with git rm means that the file will be deleted from your repository, but will remain in your working directory as an ignored file.

The base directory value is incorrect. The value is the name of the directory inside the repository you are deploying from, i.e. Random-Quote-Machine and the publish directory value should show Random-Quote-Machine/dist. You are including your GitHub username (Amapola-Negra) and repository name (which is now called freeCodeCamp-Projects-Repo) which is not correct.

For basic site configurations, you may need to set the build command and publish directory. For more advanced configurations, such as sites that build from a subdirectory of a repository or a monorepo, you may also need to set the base directory and package directory.

Package directory: typically used for monorepos, the directory that contains your site files, including the netlify.toml. Set this only if the location is different from the base directory. Learn more about how Netlify searches for your configuration files in monorepos.

Single sign-on in GitHub authenticates to a specific organization in GitHub and does not replace the authentication of GitHub itself. Therefore, if the user's github.com session has expired, you may be asked to authenticate with GitHub's ID/password during the single sign-on process.

Usually, these triggers are set to kick off when a change happens to a specific branch. But you can take that down another level. You can specify if a change occurs to a particular directory or path within a branch, and the workflow will kick start.

Some projects find themselves 'pinned' to a specific release of Rust and wantthis information reflected in their source repository. This is most often thecase for nightly-only software that pins to a revision from the releasearchives.

The git stash command stashes all tracked files in the current working directory. Stashing a specific file requires the additional push option along with the file name.

The process of git repository cloning is initiated on a daily basis in the DevOps world. But, if you simply issue a git clone command, the cloning process will create a new directory for the repository. In this tutorial, we will help you learn how to clone a git repository into a specific folder.

If the EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL argument is provided, then targets in thesubdirectory added by FetchContent_MakeAvailable() will not beincluded in the ALL target by default, and may be excluded from IDEproject files. See the add_subdirectory() EXCLUDE_FROM_ALLargument documentation for a more detailed discussion of the effects.

New in version 3.24: Ensure the CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_REDIRECTS_DIR directorycontains a -config.cmake and a-config-version.cmake file (or equivalentlyConfig.cmake and ConfigVersion.cmake).The directory that the CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_REDIRECTS_DIRvariable points to is cleared at the start of every CMake run.If no config file exists when FetchContent_Populate() returns,a minimal one will be written which includes any-extra.cmake or Extra.cmake file with theOPTIONAL flag (so the files can be missing and won't generate awarning). Similarly, if no config version file exists, a very simpleone will be written which sets PACKAGE_VERSION_COMPATIBLE andPACKAGE_VERSION_EXACT to true. This ensures all future calls tofind_package() for the dependency will use the redirectedconfig file, regardless of any version requirements.CMake cannot automatically determine an arbitrary dependency's version,so it cannot set PACKAGE_VERSION.When a dependency is pulled in via add_subdirectory() in thenext step, it may choose to overwrite the generated config version filein CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_REDIRECTS_DIR with one that also setsPACKAGE_VERSION.The dependency may also write a -extra.cmake orExtra.cmake file to perform custom processing or define anyvariables that their normal (installed) package config file wouldotherwise usually define (many projects don't do any custom processingor set any variables and therefore have no need to do this).If required, the main project can write these files instead if thedependency project doesn't do so. This allows the main project toadd missing details from older dependencies that haven't or can't beupdated to support this functionality.See Integrating With find_package() for examples. e24fc04721

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