Learning, teaching, training activities

Learning, Teaching, Training activities are mobilities of pupils and teachers of involved partners schools. These educational visits of partners schools are important for transnational development. As learning with and from partners abroad is a key component of an international project. 

Project meeting in Hoorn - April 9 - 13, 2022

In April 2022, the first project meeting of pupils and teachers was held in Hoorn. The main goal of this event was to get to know each others during ice-breaking activities, work together with Ozobots and present Ozobot projects which have been realised before. The Dutch hosts showed us their school, introduced their programmes and together we could have experienced many common activities such as field hockey, cooking, excursion to a park with climbing elements, sports activities in their gym or making pizzas. The most stunning experience however, was the trip to the Isle of Texel, where we hired bikes and rode to the dunes or visited the sanctuary Ecomare. 

Project meeting in Kežmarok - 19. 2. - 25. 2. 2023

The second project meeting was organised in Kezmarok and the content of this meeting was related to the topic "Robotic Lego" - the aim of this project meeting was sharing experience with work with Lego, in all participating schools.

During this meeting the following activities were carried out: 

- visit to Slovak host school Grundschule Kezmarok, getting to know partner teachers and pupils, learnig about Slovak educational system 

- evaluation of created materials, preparing videos of work with Lego 

- using Lego in various lessons in hosting school - Mathematics, Physics, ICT, Biology in the first and second grade classes 

- visit to CVC Kezmarok 

- taking part in a project day related to Lego as a free time activity together with clients of CVC 

- common work with Lego - preparing worksheets for a Lego competition   

Project meeting in Příbram - 5. 6. - 10. 6. 2023

Content of this meeting was related to the topic "Virtual reality", as it was also the last LTA meeting, pupils and teachers presented final results of all their project work related all project topic - Ozobots, Lego, VR. A final conference for participants was realised in Technical academy TECHAK. The participants enjoyed the excursion to the moon with glasses for virtual reality and learnt about using VR glasses in different lessons. In this workshop participants tried to Explore the moon and also other places around the world. They also enjoed plaing with other robotic tools such as Lego Spike, Lego Mindstorms, VEX123, Minecraft.