

Introducing RoboSet, a large-scale real-world multi-task dataset collected across a range of everyday household table-top activities. RoboSet consists of a mix of kinesthetic demonstrations as well as teleoperated demonstrations. The dataset consists of multi-task activities with a variation in the scene at every demonstration to induce visual diversity in the data. RoboSet is organized along two verticles based on the physics backend -- simulation, or real-world.

RoboSet provides datasets consisting of both expert and human trajectories accompanying a subset of its simulated environments. More details on the sim dataset are provided on the link on the right.

2. RoboSet (real)

In addition to the simulated datasets, RoboHive also accompanies a comprehensive collection of real-world datasets. RoboSet(real) has been collected with a focus to fuel diversity and generalization in RobotLearning. Next, we outline various characteristics of the RoboSet 

Source of dataset

Figure 1(a): Demonstration composition of Kinesthetic vs Teleoperation.

Camera viewpoints

Different tasks

Figure 3(a): Kinesthetic demonstration task list
Figure 3(b): Teleoperated demonstrations task list, demonstrations were collected over four different kitchens

Different Scenes

Data Schema

import h5py

filename = <Path to h5 data>

h5 = h5py.File(filename, 'r')

h5.keys() #Outputs Trials per h5, Trial 0, 1, 2, ...

h5['Trial0'].keys() #outputs data, derived, and config

#to extract the data

h5[trial]['data'][data_key] #where data_key is one of the cells from the data tab