
Pre-Packaged Agents

A set of pre-trained algorithmic baseline agents across various versions and environment suites are available with each release of RoboHive.

RoboHive has out-of-the-box support for multiple hardware including teleoperation devices. Leveraging this support, we have engaged human agents to collect RoboSet -- RoboHive's dataset module. It's a collection of datasets (both algorithmic and well as human teleOp) collected with compatibility with the RoboHive ecosystem and different environments suites. RoboSets, especially human-teleOp data, are of high quality and can be used to recover imitation learning or offline learning-based baseline agents. (As an example, we present a set of pre-trained visual imitation learning agents below. )

Train your own Agent

RoboHive can be used with any openAI-Gym compatible algorithmic baselines to train agents for its environment. To bootstrap the ecosystem, RoboHive also maintains AgentHive -- a collection of tools and helper scripts for training agents as well as offline and online execution of pre-packaged trained agents.

To demonstrate the comprehensiveness of the RoboHive ecosystem, we bring together 

to present a head-to-head comparison of various state-of-the-art visual representation learning methods. We provide an overview of the results below. Please visit the Visual IL baseline link on the left for details and reproducibility. 

Human TeleOperated Dataset

Expert Policy Dataset