

Installation + TeleOp

A live demo to showcase how to get started with RoboHive. The video features

See our RoboHive's installation section for more details.

Synchronized sim-real vizualization

A demo to showcase synchronized sim-real rendering capabilities of RohoHive during deployment of a trained policy. Policy was trained directly on hardware to reach diverse targets. This policy can be thought to be as a learned Inverse Kinematics controller. Natural Policy Gradient algorithm from mjrl was used to trained the policy.

Inverse Kinematics + Minjerk 

The video demonstrates the behaviors of RoboHive's IK over two bin. Franka randomly samples a point over the bin and uses minimum jerk trajectory generator to reach the targets. Curious how its done? See here for details.

Hardware TeleOp demo 

One of the early demos of Franka+RobotiQ teleOp using the oculus controllers.