Robots for Health and Elderly Care - RoboHEC
An Honest Discourse on the Gap Between Research and Practical Applications
An IROS 2020 workshop - October 29 - Las Vegas
IROS has adapted to be an on-demand to meet restrictions due to the ongoing pandemic. Therefore, we will not aim for a full-day, in person workshop. Instead we will aim for a combination of content that is available on-demand and a condensed, synchronous online session that is scheduled such the the accessibilty for attendees being spread over the globe. The online session will be based on zoom and scheduled to:
October 29, 13:00 - 15:00 UTC
In the online session each paper will be pitched to trigger a q/a session and for feeding into discussion that is not limited to the individual paper. A detailed schedule is provided below. The timeslots are indicative - since we are focusing on discussion rather than presentations, we will use them as a guideline.
The individual videos are available via the IROS on-demand platform as well as here.
To attend the online workshop send a email to lebo[at], please state your full name and institution in the email.
13:00 Opening,
Leon Bodenhagen
13:05 Design of Human-Robot Interaction for Assistive Manipulation
Invited talk by Holly Yanco
13:15 Towards Physical Human-Robot Interaction Using Force Support for Nursing Care Bed Activities
Contributed paper by Christian Kowalski, Pascal Gliesche, Conrad Fifelski, Anna Brinkmann, Andreas Hein
13:23 When Does the Gap between Healthcare and Technology Turn into an Enabler?
Invited talk by Thiusius Rajeeth Savarimuthu
13:33 Human-Aware Robot Behavior in Healthcare Facilities
Contributed paper by William Kristian Juel, Frederik Haarslev , Avgi Kollakidou, Norbert Krüger, Leon Bodenhagen
13:41 Development and Introduction of Robotic Devices for Elderly Care: Japan Experience and Future Perspective
Invited talk by Yoshio Matsumoto
13:51 Towards Whole Arm Manipulation for Outpatient Care
Contributed paper by Pascal Gliesche , Christian Kowalski, Max Pfingsthorn, Andreas Hein
13:59 Hospital of the future - How to use technology to innovate in healthcare
Invited talk by Mette Maria Skjøth
14:09 Towards Conversational Interfaces and Visual Memory Representation for Social Robots helping the Elderly
Contributed paper by Ifrah Idrees and Stefanie Tellex
14:17 An Interactive Drink Serving Social Robot: Initial System Implementation
Contributed paper by Lakshadeep Naik, Oskar Palinko, Avgi Kollakidou, Leon Bodenhagen, Norbert Krüger
14:25 Robotics for Persons with Dementia: Opportunities for Cognitive Training, Social Connectedness, and Health Management
Invited talk by Jenay Beer
14:35 Morphological Switching Robots to Support Independent Living for Older Adults
Contributed paper by Naveen Kumar Uppalapati, Travis Kadylak, Wendy Rogers, Girish Krishnan
14:43 On New Research Guidelines for the Deployment of Socially Assistive Robots for Elder Care Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic
Contributed paper by Caio Mucchiani, Pamela Cacchione, Ross Mead, Michelle J. Johnson , Mark Yim
14:51 Wrap up discussion
Oskar Palinko