Short CV 


Title of the project: Ambrosio-Tortorelli approach to topological singularities,

Host: University of Siena,

Starting date: September 2024;

Host: Prof. Robert V. Kohn, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences- NYU,

Period: February 2025 - March 2025 (for two months).

Academic positions

Mentor: Prof. Peter Bella 

Mentor: Prof. Caterina Ida Zeppieri 


    Advisor: Prof. Adriana Garroni 

    Thesis title: Asymptotic analysis of nonlinear models for line defects in materials

    Advisor: Prof. Giovanni Alberti 

    Thesis title: Surfaces with microstructures in capillarity

     Advisor: Prof. Giovanni Alberti 

     Thesis title: Circle Packing