The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority (DVLA) wishes to inform Motor Vehicle Traders, Owners of Vehicles, particularly, Fleet Operators as well as the Motoring Public that the new Road Traffic Regulations 2012, LI 2180 was enacted by Parliament and became effective on July 5, 2012.

The Authority encourages owners of vehicles to procure copies of the regulations from the Assembly Press (Near the Accra Polytechnic), to be informed of the new provisions so that, individually and collectively, we can contribute towards reduction in road crashes and casualty reduction.

Road Traffic Regulations 2012 L.i. 2180 Download

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1. Regulation 19 change of use and physical conversion of vehicles. Under this regulation, owners of vehicles shall obtain prior approval from the Licensing Authority (LA) before effecting any modifications on their vehicles. This is to help curb the dangerous habit of converting goods carrying vehicles into passenger carrying vehicles with their attendant safety implications.

2. Regulation 43 Driver Re-training and Re-testing.

This is to empower the LA and the Traffic Police to subject any driver who is found guilty of the major offences ie Dangerous Driving, Driving under the Influence of Alcohol & Drugs and Careless & Inconsiderate driving by the court to be re-trained and re-tested before allowing him to drive again upon an order of the court.

4. Regulation 107 Prohibition on the use of Mobile phones whilst Driving. This aims at preventing avoidable road traffic crashes caused by the use of mobile phones while driving. Emphasis on hand-held, others like Bluetooth & hands free permitted.

6. Regulation 165 Introduction of speed cameras.

This provision provides the legal basis for the introduction of speed cameras by the NRSC working with the Police and others to help manage speeds on our roads.

7. Regulation 135 Speed Limiter,

This regulation provides for the fitting of speed limiters on commercial vehicles with a gross weight of at least three and half metric tones as a part of the integrated speed management profile

8. Regulation 121-127 Regulation on the operations of Commercial Transport Services including Continuous Education of Commercial Drivers

To ensure discipline in the commercial transport industry and minimize the high percentage of passenger related casualties.

9. Regulation 128 Prohibition of use of Motor Cycles and Tricycles for Commercial Purposes

This seeks to prevent the public from the dangers associated with the use to such mode of transportation in the highly populated urbanized communities

12. Regulations 180 and 184 Facilities for the Physically Challenged.

With the passage of the Disability Act issues relating to the provision of facilities and services to take care of the physically challenged have also been dealt with under the regulations ie reserved parking for persons with disability and facilitation of movement of persons with disability by public transport service provider

13. Regulation 55-61 Use of LPG by Motor vehicles

With the current increase in the use of LPG by vehicles, regulations have been made to ensure safety in the sale and use of gas for the transport industry

Kindly make the pdf for Road Traffic Regulation, 2012 (L.I. 2180) available. Knowledge needs to shared not kept and released in bits. The more people read the greater knowledge gets shared. Your website cannot be reached by everyone. Kindly do so. Thank you

This is to inform the General Public that the Ministry of Transport in collaboration with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority, the National Road Safety Authority and the Motor Traffic and Transport Department of the Ghana Police Service is undertaking a review of the Road Traffic Regulations 2012, L.I. 2180 to improve road safety and security.

The Road Traffic Regulations was passed by Parliament in July 2012 to give effect to the enforcement of Road Traffic Act 2004, (Act 683). To date, significant provisions of the regulations have been implemented and enforcement is ongoing whilst some of the provisions are also yet to be implemented due to identified technical and legal deficiencies associated with them. There are also emerging practices in the road transport industry that have necessitated the need for the review to control their potential adverse repercussions and also adopt international best practices.

The Ministry of transport in collaboration with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority, the National Road Safety Authority and The Motor Traffic Transport Department of the Ghana Police Service has held a two-day stakeholders consultative forum on road traffic crashes and review of the Road Traffic Regulation 2012, L.I. 2180 to improve road safety and security.

The Road Traffic Regulations was passed by Parliament in July 2012 to give effect to the enforcement of Road Traffic Act 2004, (Act 683). Significant provisions of the regulations have been implemented and enforcement ongoing.

Some of the provisions are also yet to be implemented due to identified technical and legal deficiencies associated with them. There are also emerging practices in the road transport industry that have necessitated the need for the review to control the potential adverse repercussions and also adopt international best practices.

Welcoming participants to the forum, a Deputy Ministry for Transport, Hon. Hassan Tampuli told participants to share their ideas and bring their expertise to bear on the sections of the regulations that are to be amended.

Hon. Tampuli said discussions should be done intellectually devoid of emotions so that the sections to be amended would stand the test of time, meet international standards and help curb road fatalities.

The Ministry of Transport in collaboration with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority (DVLA), the National Roads Safety Authority (NRSA) and the Motor Traffic and Transport Department (MTTD) of the Ghana Police Service has organized a National Consultative Forum on Road Traffic crashes and review of the road traffic regulations 2012, L.I. 2180.

The Road Traffic Regulations as passed by Parliament 9 years ago in July 2012, was to give effect to the enforcement of the Road Traffic Act 2004, (Act 683) which replaced the 1974 Road Traffic Regulations (LI 953), of which significant provisions had been implemented and enforcement still ongoing.

That notwithstanding, some of the provisions were yet to be implemented due to identified technical and legal deficiencies associated with them, while there were also emerging practices in the road transport industry that had necessitated the need for the review to control potential adverse repercussions and also adopt international best practices in making the roads safer.

The Minister for Transport, Mr. Kweku Ofori Asiamah, speaking at the National Consultation Forum said over the years of implementation, a number of measures had been introduced to give effect to the regulations, like the reforms in the driver licensing administration with the introduction of the new Driver Licensing System (GeneSys) and a new Vehicle Registration system (VRS). These had led to a new work flow and reduction in fraudulent practices as well as revenue leakage.

Also worthy of note was the introduction of the Securitized Roadworthy Certificate to facilitate enforcement, increased funding for the National Road Safety Authority to scale up road safety programmes and activities, and the nationwide training programme for commercial vehicle drivers.

The Minister mentioned despite the interventions, it had become necessary more than before to introduce new provisions in line with development trends, changing social norms and values and to ensure conformity with International Conventions and the ECOWAS protocols on road transport.

He said the Consultative Forum was in two folds. The first was an opportunity to dispassionately discuss the issues on road safety and the second being to recommend practical measures to Government for adoption and consequent implementation.

Hon Ofori Asiamah reiterated road traffic crashes were responsible for an average of six deaths daily and over 10,000 injuries yearly. Majority of these victims he noted, were within the economic bracket (18-years to 60-years) which had serious consequences on our growth and socio-economic development as a Country.

He revealed it was in line with this worrying trend that in April this year, H.E the President constituted an Inter-Ministerial Committee to assess the road safety situation and recommend measures to reduce fatalities on our roads.

The Minister said, recommendations of the Committee was that, both the Road Traffic Act, 2004 and the Road Traffic Regulations 2012 which were the primary governance legislation for the road transport sector were had to be reviewed, leading to the stakeholder consultations and the National forum being held to seek views on the identified sections to be reviewed.

He added Government had also enhanced the mandate of the National Road Safety Authority (NRSA) with the passage of the NRSA Act 2019, Act, 993 to ensure compliance to road safety measures, procedures and guidelines. Other Agencies like the Police and the National Ambulance Service were all being retooled to improve enforcement and emergency response.

The Minister added, the Ministry was collaborating with the Ministry of Communication and Digitalization to introduce guidelines for the safe operations of motorcycles used for Courier Services in the country.

He implored all present, policy makers, regulators, drivers, pedestrians, vehicle owners, operators and passengers road safety was a shared responsibility in making the transport system safe, therefore all should bring to bear their expertise in making the review successful and comprehensive.

The amendment is being spearheaded by the Ministry of Transport, the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority (DVLA), the National Roads Safety Authority (NRSA) and the Motor Traffic and Transport Department (MTTD) of the Ghana Police Service. 152ee80cbc

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