You will find all our road safety videos, instructional films and awareness campaign 

resources on our dedicated YouTube channel. 

Over the years, we have produced hundreds of hours of video material covering a wide range of practical road safety and road safety awareness topics such as:

The following training, tools, guidance and countermeasures are currently available to assist practitioners and stakeholders in addressing safety on rural and local roads. Insuring that tools meet the needs of the users and that they have the resources and training they need to effectively use the tools is a critical part of the solution. The Office of Safety is continuously developing new tools and resources to meet the safety needs of local and rural road owners and operators.

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Assessment of Local Road Safety Funding, Training and Technical Assistance

 This report summarizes State DOT practices for delivering safety funding and resources to local entities for road safety improvement projects. These practices were identified through a questionnaire administered to State DOTs during the assessment. The report also identifies model local road safety practices that can be adapted to enhance existing local road safety efforts.

Local Road Safety Checklists 

 The local road safety checklist is designed to provide State DOTs and LTAP centers with a list of questions to use to identify opportunities to enhance or initiate a local road safety program.

Implementing Local Safety Management

A Safety Management System (SMS) gives decision makers and those who manage and maintain local roadways the tools to systematically identify, prioritize, correct, and evaluate the performance of their transportation safety investments.

Rural roadway safety is an important issue for communities throughout the country and presents a challenge for state, local, and Tribal agencies. The Improving Safety on Rural Local and Tribal Roads documents were created to help rural local and Tribal roadway safety practitioners address these challenges. The Safety Toolkit provides a step-by-step process to assist local agency and Tribal practitioners in completing traffic safety analyses, identify safety issues, countermeasures to address them, and an implementation process. Accompanying the Safety Toolkit are two User Guides which present step-by-step processes of example scenarios.

Integrating Safety in the Rural Transportation Planning Process

Rural areas consistently experience higher numbers of crash related fatalities and serious injuries than urban areas. Regional planning organizations (RPO) are poised to assist state departments of transportation (DOT) and local officials in addressing the safety needs in nonmetropolitan areas in accordance with statewide safety goals. This Technical Report provides methods for integrating safety into each step of the RPO planning and programming process, to assist in addressing rural roads multimodal safety needs.

Local Roads Safety Resource CD

The CD provides quick and easy access to the latest information on local roads safety. Organized by topic area in one place, the CD provides guidance, tools, and other resources from government agencies and national associations on local roadway safety.

Maintenance of Drainage Features for Safety

This guide is intended to help local road agency maintenance workers understand the importance of maintaining and upgrading drainage features on their road system to avoid an unsafe condition.

Road Safety Tools for Local Agencies [PDF 4.91 MB]

This synthesis focuses on identifying safety tools that can be used by these agencies in formulating safety programs. It recognizes the wide variation in the parameters of operation and responsibilities of local agencies. Also, it acknowledges that expertise in transportation safety analysis varies widely among local agencies.

Webinars: Addressing Safety on Locally-owned and Maintained Roads

On February 8th and 24th, the FHWA Office of Safety hosted a two-art webinar series addressing safety on locally-owned and maintained roads. Illinois, Minnesota, Washington, Michigan, Alabama and New Jersey shared their innovative approaches and successful practices to addressing safety on locally-owned and maintained roads in the areas of data collection and analysis, local project identification, local project administration, funding, training and technical assistance as well as partnerships and outreach.

Being a smart driver is not just about having the latest gadgets and being skilled at parallel parking. Smart drivers are responsible and considerate of other road users, particularly those traveling on two wheels. Brake produced a short, animated film to show how taking a few simple steps to be Bike Smart will make you a much smarter driver, and will help make roads much safer for those on two wheels.

According to World Health Organisation figures, 500 children are killed each day in road crashes globally. In a bid to raise awareness of this road safety crisis, Jean Todt, President of the FIA, the international motoring federation, and Special Envoy of the UN Secretary General for Road Safety, turned to world renowned film director Luc Besson to deliver a potent visual message highlighting the dangers facing children around the world!

Produced by the FIA Foundation for UN Road Safety Week 2017,this film talks about the dangers of speeding traffic, the effectiveness of measures that have been introduced to create safe paths and crossing places and to reduce driver speed. It also covers how people can become advocates for road safety.

Many California Cities, Counties and other local governments are challenged by the lack of training with respect to the roadway safety practices. The local agencies also wish to be updated with the most recent roadway safety technologies. The purpose of this webpage is to announce upcoming roadway safety related training opportunities. Recorded audios or videos and materials of past training courses may also be posted at this webpage so that those who were unable to attend in person can still learn and those who have attended can review what they have previously learned.

In addition, Caltrans Local Assistance Blog (theLAB) and California Active Transportation Resource Center (ATRC) also provide information regarding local transportation events and resources. Below are the links to theLAB and ATRC websites.

Roadway Departure crashes are frequently severe and account for the majority of highway fatalities. In 2015, there were 18,695 fatalities as a result of roadway departure crashes, which was 53.3 percent of all the traffic fatalities in the United States. Roadway departure crashes account for 46 percent of all traffic fatalities in California and significantly higher in rural areas. All proposed projects must tie back to one of the five roadway departure strategies to be eligible for federal funding.

Making the decision to use video analytics to diagnose safety issues and deciding who to partner up with are both big decisions. There are many factors to consider: Why is this safety study required? What specific features and outputs will I benefit from? Whose technology has been tested and proven to be the most reliable? What is the budget and timeline?

However, if more help is required to diagnose the problem, a combination of metrics can be obtained, such as turning movement counts, speeds, near-misses, violations, que lengths, road user classification, etc. Another item to consider is the scalability of the deployment and diagnosis. Is this an isolated problem that is observed at a few targeted locations or is it widespread? If it is widespread, is it possible to extrapolate the results obtained to multiple locations or would multiple deployments be required? It is also important to determine whether the problem requires continuous monitoring or if a one-time analysis is enough to determine and evaluate the treatment(s). These are all discussions you should have with the video analytics firm.

The traffic safety initiatives of the IACP are dedicated to addressing common factors that cause these crashes and look to provide guidance, lessons learned and promising practices to law enforcement with the hope to prevent this tragic loss of life.

The Safer Roads, Stronger Communities Resource is an e-publication created to illustrate the benefits of traffic safety. This resource provides agencies with an opportunity to create positive and meaningful impact in communities. Traffic Safety saves lives, makes communities more livable, and increases community engagement. For more information on the Safer Roads, Stronger Communities Resource, please visit click here.

The Highway Safety Committee makes recommendations to the IACP and other interested organizations and agencies on traffic safety issues facing members of the Association. For more information, click here.

Supported by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the HVEE Project united multiple agencies in four states to participate in a collaborative effort centered on a focused public education campaign and increased enforcement targeting specific traffic safety issues. For more information on this project, click here.

If you employ drivers as part of your workforce then you know that driving safety plays a big role in reducing accidents and injuries. These driving safety training videos will show your employees how to remain safe while on the road.

Volunteers beautify roadsides two miles at a time. You or your civic or volunteer group sign a two-year agreement to pick up litter at least two times a year. In return, PennDOT posts recognition signs along the adopted roadway giving you or your group full credit for your efforts.

For drivers, "share the road" begins with understanding that pedestrians and bicyclists also have rights to use the road. Pedestrians and bicyclists also face safety challenges, such as being smaller and less visible. Look for cyclists and pedestrians where vehicles do not appear, like before making a left-hand turn, at crosswalks, and at intersections. 006ab0faaa

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